Tree of Savior Forum

Klaipeda's Cafe

In light of the recent interview about the R in RPG it’s time to consider a major issue facing Klaipeda.

There’s a cafe off to the side of Klaipeda with a sign out front saying the owner is away in the army. Klaipeda’s pretty crowded; it’s a city flooded by refugees from Medzio Diena and revelators, so space must be at a premium. Isn’t it wasteful to let this building sit idle? Perhaps the signboard could start a quest leading to the owner. I don’t know if you’ll find him deployed out in the woods, or if he died, or whether you’ll avenge him or bring his belongings back to his daughter, or he’s one of the spirits at the owl burial ground and his last request is to take care of the restaurant, but either way, the questline ends with it re-opening and revelators who did the quest can enter the building.

You’ll find a cozy, warm-looking hangout where revelators can forget about the monsters outside and relax. One one side you’ll see a row of barstools you can click to sit on and players might chat while they order drinks. Maybe alchemists can click on the bar to open up shops behind it and serve drinks based on their tincturing skill, like hot chocolate or whiskey.

In the middle there’s a big wraparound sofa to sit on, and with some dance emotes added, the area within could be a dance floor. With bellydancer costumes. Don’t tell Nexon or they’ll charge too much TP.

On the other side, there could be booths with loveseats two players can sit on together. Speaking of love, we could use pair emotes - it can take a lot of maneuvering to set up a perfect kiss. With a pair emote both of you use the same emote and your characters automatically line up to interact with each other, like how centurion formations coordinate. You could have head patting, resting your head on someone’s lap, and both at the same time. Resting on their shoulder and hugging. And, of course, princess carrying, especially if a player got drunk and needs to be taken home (also usable in dungeons when they’re “incapable of combat” and usable while mounted). Some people have brought up hnd hlding but that’s going way too far when we don’t even have marriage yet.

There’d also be tables to go with the booths, where you could share drinks, or ice cream parfaits, or jump up on the table and misbehave. Add a couple of outdoor tables, too, with popup umbrellas. That would go well with weather and day/night cycles.

If it gets overcrowded, maybe squires could set up more pillows to sit on, which could double as sleeping cots when they’re out in the field, which players could lie down on (even together). An attribute could add or remove blankets. For balance, Orsha would need a tavern as well, with a different design to fit Orsha’s ambience. Maybe imc could use the last of their budge for a field trip to taverns around the world to get inspiration.

Credit goes to you know who you are. I wouldn’t have thought of this stuff alone. P.S. Hot springs in guild halls.


Magnificent idea! This may take a while to implement but I sure am going to anticipate this if it gets confirmed that something like this would be part of the game :smile:

With the fact that they are aiming for ToS to be a very social oriented game, I’m pretty sure something like this is likely to become a reality in the future :+1:


I like the idea of this more than regular partying.It’s great to make new game friends and this would be a great atmosphere to promote that.I dunno about all the extra actions like dancing and stuff,but I like the food/drink items you described and the idea of a cafe type setting.

+1 for this.Someone get John in here.


Wakfu has all these “bar” areas but they are highly neglected. All of the players usually hang around the “popular spot” (area in front of the temple) instead of using this kind of areas.
Maybe ToS should put goddess statue in the bar area as well (if they ever implement one )since most players seems to love to pick the area where warping / teleporting is convenience as their meet up spot.
Or fuse potion shop / ingredients shop with a bar?
Or provides players a buff if they stay in the bar for a period of time?
Making certain emotion / gestures only usable in bar?

This sounds adorable, would be nice to have a simple place to just sit down calmly and take a nice conversation without people asking for parties every five seconds.


Elder Scrolls Online have the biggest list of emotes I’ve ever seen! If ToS would apply…say, just some animations ESO has, the immersion to the RPG would increase so much and add a lot of value to the game itself(just don’t sell animations for real money, that sucks, unless it’s a cosmetic sub-weapon like a lute)

8:37 for lute emote( my fav 10/10) this is just an example of possible additions

+1 For princess carrying, specially if a dragoon/cata can carry us as a transportation service(without inserting a lance up my bum) Thanks to @WatchGintama for the topic >.<!

I really felt the lack of some empty houses in this game, for the RP purposes. When you get inside a Class Master room it feels like you’re breaking in and consuming all his food XD(so, nope, not gonna stay here), doesn’t feel as nice as a “bar” thing, where there are NPCs drinking and talking about how a monster ate his wife and kids.

The only place I can remember that has this feel is Fedmian outpost, but it is just a remote feeling, if it had a second separate floor, tho, with rooms and stuff would be already cool(upstairs or downstairs)

For the Old RO players, they sure can remember those big mansions in Ayothaya, Kunlun, Amatsu or Gonryun/ whatever architecture you were into. There would always be a nice place to hangout, listen to the map BGM and just throw convo away.

Currently only a Squire can provide this “home” feeling, with camps and food : D, which works quite well. But the RP setting as described by OP adds so much more.

I summon thee: @STAFF_John

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DDTank Hot Springs

walks away

I have been summoned!

As a fan of RPing myself, I find the idea of ingame social hotspot quite nice!
A Tavern of Savior, if you will. Sorry about the lameness of that joke :frowning:

And I also like the emotes for couples as well! It would be incredibly fun for virtual and real-life couples!
(Digression: Princess carrying reminded me of the first DQ game. I have once defeated the final boss while carrying the princess.)

I will definitely forward the ideas and suggestions to our dev team.

Thanks for such lovely ideas, guys! :heart:


The real question here is if we get to see our boy the bartender of the create a character screen again.

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Thank you for saying what needed to be said.

I can only hope that the dev team is also able to understand the grave importance of these features, or I fear for us all.


If we have bars or cafes in town can we be able to play the card games at the table? It’d be nice also to have an option to play the card game for fun without wagering the card itself. A darts mini game where you have to aim your cursor on the target would also be fun to play with other players or even a drinking mini game where you have to mash a button quicker than the other person to “down” the most drinks in a certain time limit. Or something similar. I’d like to be able to have both a social and mini game aspect to towns/cafes/bars to give players something fun to do while they’re taking a break from the grind.


People usually tend to stay close to utility. Just look at Prontera in ragnarok. Everything is at your fingertips which leads people to relax around those areas.

What you can do it put the utility in the place that you want player to be at. People are not going to go there because it is cozy. Sorry to say this IMC but in the end that is what it is about for the majority of players.

This was literally proposed as an area on the side to just relax, like, oh hey I’m learning an atribute that takes 10 minutes to learn, this is too short to be worth going out to grind, may as well just go and chat a little.
An area like this would be specially apreciated in Orsha due to it’s Job Master density.

And Prontera was hell, full of people asking to go kill high end MvPs, and Dungeons and other things, it was literally imposible to just ‘‘relax’’ in Prontera unless you went to one of the many alleys with absolutely nothing going on that it had.


Ooohh look it’s Mr. KillJoy lol ;D

I can understand that a place like that would be attractive. Even to me who tend to relax in the hustle and rustle. I still approve of the idea but i just want it to be used and not forgotten. I think it needs to have some form of usefulness like a well rested buff to regen when you have been in the tavern for 10 min. What do you think of this idea?

What about the Fedimian Cafe, with the suave Mercenary Post guy being your waiter, and the hot Fedimian Item Merchant boy being your cashier? <_<

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