Tree of Savior Forum

Klaipeda Login Server Down?

I’m sorry bro but I think you got stood up

You’re right, the game’s dead on a “pre-release” stage. Good work, Sherlock, you’ve just solved the entire internet.

exp tome sare too cheap, i rather they give us at least 100 tp !

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Shhhhhh… … … maybe…

nope here are your 5 exp tomes now shhhhhhhh :ok_hand:

Uhh, I was going to ask if the server is still down, but I’d rather check myself :o
Aaand… It’s still down? haha

this is amazing /20char

omgad it is up boys and gals.

Im in my team lodge… but there’s no Start Game button and I cannot click my other characters :o
EDIT: Now the Start Game button appeared, but I get an InvalidSesionCode error lmao
EDIT2: Relogged, and now CommanderLoadFail made an appariton.

Servers back!!! Now I want XP CARDS!!! kkkk

all good… all good now :smiley:

Commander error again.

is back but the commander is still alive ;_;

I still have Invalid Session Code.
Dam… My teammate and I was doing 2 person Mercenary Post Dungeon.
Was doing great , but then boom. dc

Im not even pointing out the pros and cons of the game. Even if you fix the lag and crash…game needs to be polish at a lots of places. The weirdest thing is the compensations we are receiving are deceiving and so many choices made by IMC doesnt make any sens… like releasing only 2 servers while they had 4 on CBT and no EU servers on laumch while they are the second highest buyer after NA.

Looks like the server is up but not all channels are working yet. My main can’t login outside the level 90 dungeon but an alt can load up just fine. Hurray for Commander LoadFail!

Well, keep in mind this is their first time publishing a game…

Now you know they know.

Is it me or its always Klaipeda server, regret didn’t pick orsha server…