Tree of Savior Forum

KinoChrono Support build

Hello everyone !
Ok, I made some build, but I never go past lv 160 ingame and it was on a Bokor. Right now, I fell in love with this build :
[Rank 8 Build] Master of Time & Space - The Chrono-Kino Full Guide
I already tried a Pyro-Linker-Kino who was… well bad :slight_smile:
But this time, I want to play Support, while having some CC and damage, and I think this build can be nice for that. By the way, I only intend to do PVE ^^
I see on the forums that Kino is more a class for PVP, but can it works in PVE specially with the changes in Circle 3 ?
For the moment, I’m Cryo 1, lvl 30, so I can still change my mind, but I would like to have some opinion :wink:

This is build is only good for PVP, i have both cryo chrono and kino chrono and can tell for sure that cryo chrono is miles more useful for PVE same with linker chrono. Kino control is very bad compared to cryo in PVE.

Ty for the answer ! It’s really nice to have the opinion of someone who actually try it :slight_smile:
So, what’s wrong in PVE ? Does the control not working as intending ? I already read that Magnetic Force was bad, but what about Raise and Gravity Pole ?
And how does the damage scale in late game ? Do you still make some damage (I don’t want to be a top dps, but maybe able to participate and quest alone if I need too) ?
The thing that scares me is the difficulty to level a cryochrono because I don’t have a party to help me ^^’

The main problem is that magnetic force is pretty awful, Raise makes some melee attacks not hit and gravity pole is pretty ok, but all of them have targets limits while frost pillar does not.

Late game i was able to do some questing alone but i have very good equipment without it everything was 1 damage.

Cryo is actually more easy to level now because of the buffs and ice blast doing damage to mobs near ice wall and frost pillar :smiley: but if you want a build that is good late game and easy to lvl i suggest pyro1 linker2 chrono3 sage, when you reach 120 just equip agny and you will be able to do everything alone until the mobs with big mdef from 300+ hits.

Ty for all those details :smiley:

I like the idea of a support build based on CC, that’s why I think of Cryo/Kino and Chrono, and the idea beyond Kino was to have some damage (but not as much as a Pyro) and some CC (but not as much as a Cryo), so I can be multifonction ^^
As I love (well, the video of) both the CC of the Kino and those of the Cryo(Snow Rolling seems so fun :smile:), I think I will give a try to the CryoChrono :wink:

If you mind some others questions, when do you think a KinoChrono begin to be hard to play ? When you begin a Chrono ? Or around lvl 200 ? (I try to understand how this works so I can build a better character next time, I really want to play Kino :smile: ) And for DPS, how is Kino for you ? Nice, but can be better or just playable ?
I mean, for me, it has CC, so it can’t have as much dmg as a pure DPS, but maybe I’m wrong, or maybe it’s not balanced :sweat_smile:

Dps wise kino falls hard in 250+ but since in the last patch every mob was nerfed i haven’t tested my damage on 250+ or 300+, in this build i guess theres still the need for a party on 300+ content.
I bet you won’t regret, lvling up sometimes is a annoying but doing endgame content with a cryo chrono is tons of fun if you enjoy support.

omg, I hesitate too much xD
I really want to play support, but I don’t like meta, and I’m afraid to not be chosen if I don’t follow the meta or not be chosen because of too much support meta :confused:
Do you see a lot of CryoChrono or KinoChrono at high level ? I never see one, but I don’t know if that’s because they’re already high level or because they aren’t much…
Do you think this is correct for a CryoChrono :

And for the stats, I was going 2Con/3Int until 100 Int, I suppose it’s better to go full Con ?
Sorry if I ask so many questions, but I don’t want to reroll again, I really want to make this character works ^^’

Hello there.
I main a Kino3 (Cryo2, Kino3, Runecaster) and it works perfect for me in PvE. Been soloing all the way up to 295 now (current level). While in party, there are a few different ways to CC that makes (Cryo)Kino3 enjoyable for me:

  • Sleep
  • Freeze
  • Gravity Pole
  • Raise + swap
  • Psychic Pressure (more aggressive play style)
  • Quick ice wall + PP
  • Magnetic force (kinda fixed now it no longer bug mobs for eternity)

There are certainly more CryoChrono out there as I have only seen a KinoChrono myself twice in mission then never again. Most likely a pvp character. Cryo3 build is definitely more popular because Frost Pillar sucks ALL surrounding mob while Kino3 CC needs a bit positioning and have limited area.

For the CryoChrono build,
Earthquake 1, Max Lethargy.
Ice bolt 5 for faster casting everything else is good.
As for stats, if you want to support it’s better to go full Con.

Ty for sharing, it’s really interesting to have differents points of view !
I wanted to have opinions, because it’s always difficult to know if a build can really fulfill his job or is just theorycraft :confused:

If you have to choose a support for your party, which one will you prefer ? And what for ?
(I suppose CryoChrono for ET and KinoChrono for PVP, but I might be wrong and there are other things to do in party, dungeons for example)

I have seen a few kino chronos after r8 since i build before r8, cryo chronos are really really common.
Heres how i build my
cryo chrono: (thats after reset, while leveling i put more points in cryo damage skills because i did everything solo until 280)
kino chrono:
I forgot to point that while cryo chrono is more useful for PVE kino chrono is also good because after all, its a chrono. Both full con.

Since we don’t have enough KinoChrono to compare, I’ll write down my opinions based on my experience as PvE Kino3 and CryoChrono.


  • 3 CC: Raise, Gravity Pole, Psychic Pressure with stun

  • Requires you or party members to pull mobs before using Gravity Pole or Raise. Specific/limited area.

  • PP and GP are channeling skills, you are locked into place. Will cancel if you get knocked back (a lot in higher maps).

  • Multitasking: Haste/Quicken/Pass/GP/Raise/PP/Sleep/Lethargy/etc

  • Drains your SP A LOT: Chrono skills costs 100+ SP. While PP and GP drains your SP even more if you take the Concentration attributes.


  • 2 main CC: Frost Pillar, Snowrolling.

  • Frost Pillar helps you group scattered mobs easily. Cast and forget. Wide area.

  • Again, snowrolling groups scattered mobs into one place or group them into party’s aoe.

  • Less multitasking. More breathing room for rebuff quicken/haste/etc (And more running around lol).

In short:
Cryochrono does a better job at grouping a large number of mobs. Cast and forget. Easier to play.
KinoChrono is more team play oriented. Keep yourself busy. Requires smart timing and positioning.

If you need example how Kino3 performs in dungeon:

Wow, thanks for all the details ! :heart:

Do you find Ice Blast useful ? I read that it has nearly no damage and remove the freeze, but maybe it can help ? And what about Ice Pike ? Maybe you use it only to level ?
Your comparison is so nice :slight_smile: Well, I find Raise, Frost Pillar and Snowrolling just so amazing, and that’s one of the raison why I hesitate so much ^^
So yeah, Cryo is better at CC, but Kino has some more damage, so I still don’t know ^^’ There is also the SP problem and the multitasking part, which can be cool or not :slight_smile:
I will probably think more about that and choose on my class change :slight_smile:

Thank you so much for your help, I hope it can help some other people too :smile: (there isn’t a lot of topics on that or outdated :confused:)

Yes, Cryo build provides heavy CC. While Kino is able to do damage and CC at the same time. Hence, Cryo build have a tougher time leveling/questing solo compared to Kino.

Apart from taunting the mobs, I rarely use Ice Blast. PP and GP is my main damage. I still use Ice Pike as well it does great damage. :smiley: But do remember if you’re going support, you won’t be doing much. Perhaps 100 int, the rest con if you go Kino route for more solo capabilities.
Find equipments/headgears with SP recovery to help with SP problem.

It is my pleasure to convince others that taking Kino for PvE is not as bad as people think. It depends on how you want to play the class and having fun with it. Good luck to you! :+1:

I hesitate so much, I change my mind every time I read something new :confused:
I think I will choose at the last moment and see what’s going on, because you make me want to play both of them :slight_smile:

Thank you for your answers and your advices, it’s really precious for me :heart:

Maybe I will come back on this topic and give my advancement, so it can eventually be useful to other people (If I succeed to choose) :smile:

Just to add some feedback :
I am right now a Cryo1Kino3 really happy :slight_smile: I test Cryo3 with the reset event, and it’s really not my thing :confused:

My will is always to be a support and to add some dps, so right now, I hesitate between Chrono3 and Thauma3. I know that Chrono3 is still loved, but Thauma3 receive some buffs and it seems much better right now, so it would make my character an offensive support.

What do you think about it ? What do you prefer, Thauma3 for the matk and patk buffs or Chrono3 for more general utility ? Is atkspeed always useful too ?