Tree of Savior Forum

Kickstarted Translation

This is just a suggestion, you’re free to share your views on the matter.

I’ll start by saying I haven’t Kickstarted a project. Ever. In my prejudiced eyes I don’t trust it that much, although I’ve seen how sucessful and popular it is (and I personally followed and loved every last bit of Divinity: Original Sin). I get the feeling a lot of people have been burnt by Kickstarter projects that didn’t deliver so they may resent it too.

But that’s why we compromise. With the latest fiasco that arised, I would like to put it out there: what if IMC started a campaign to raise funds for translation of the game? I know for sure I’d donate at least 100 dollars. What do you think of goals that let IMC hire a professional localization team that works well and hopefully doesn’t delay the International release for another four years? Do you think they could make a campaign to translate every major content patch in a timely fashion so our version doesn’t fall behind?

Of course goals should be tied to rewards to motivate people to donate, and I think I speak for everyone when I say the rewards should be kept mild and mostly cosmetic. What kind of rewards you’d like to see for different goals? I can’t give many ideas on rewards, but I trust on IMC doing their best coming up with nice stuff.

Please share your ideas.

I think that it would take a lot of time, and a lot more money then you think, as well as a lot more publicity.

When the real time translation feature is added, probably in future beta’s, then people will able to change text they feel is incorrect in real time while playing the game. This will speed the process up, as by then most things will be translated (whether manually, or machine), and it’s easy to tell when something is incorrect while playing the game, even for players that don’t normally help in the translation process.

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I’m aware of all you said in the second block of text, but this is what’s interesting

Sounds a little dismissive and like there’s some obvious thing I’m not seeing here. Could you expand on these points?

It’s a very sensitive topic once you realize there’s a whole community out there that may not feel secure enough with their English to help contribute translating or fixing lines, but would still like to be part of the process. I think the Kickstarter gives that chance to those people, since all they do is donate. Sure, they can contribute with their own language translations, and they will, but IMC said these won’t be taken into consideration until the English patch is done.

If you think it’s just not worth the hassle better say that outright. It’s a very risky idea after all that would require making a big leap and put a lot more effort (for a better outcome in my opinion). Don’t get me wrong, I can clearly see why having the community translate the game is the best option after all, since there’s a lot of passionate people out there, and well, they’re doing it for free.

As far as I’ve seen with kickstarters, many don’t succeed. Kickstarters take a lot of money and time to create/manage.

You have to publicize it, and offer rewards in tiers, which costs money too.

If the project fails funding, then that’s what everyone will hear, ToS failed some kickstarter, that’s what most people will hear and that’s bad publicity.

This might be a slightly pessimistic view of things, but I don’t think ToS has enough publicity for a kickstarter for it’s translations, especially when they can do it for free.


I agree with Fate, plus if they start this on an official platform like Kickstarter, part of the funding is taken by the platform too (10-30%? not sure though). If they decide to do it theirselves, they will have to take the time to create all things related to it.
Not sure it’s worth it, when most of the translation needs mainly polishing (except for some big texts mistakes we saw in the CBT)