Tree of Savior Forum

Kabbalist C2 Merkabah Attributes Test

Did some testing of new kabbalist c2 merkabah attributes since I haven’t seen other posts about them. First time making a video - I apologize for the low quality at beginning.

As shown in the video the merkabah has become slower and has a buffing aura around it. I also have the attribute to increase it’s durability and make it only take 1 damage per hit but, as you can see, that serves no purpose since they’re currently invulnerable. The buff says it blocks all physical damage and nullifies magic damage. However I clearly still receive damage when I’m buffed even when riding. I have a hunch that IMC did not intend this and the buff is just bugged.

The only positive thing to note is the holy atk buff provides another line of damage for autos. This also applies to the merkabah explosion (each explosion hits twice) but again that might not be what IMC intended. This implies that the buff is getting applied to the merkabah itself along with the invulnerability.