Tree of Savior Forum

Just some thoughts about updates

AFK Necros functioned in itos recently not due to a macro, but due to a bug. That bug was patched in ktos, have not checked if the fix made it in this update.

It’s not happening any more or less than it always has been.

This is false, as KR had the DPK system. It also wasn’t our idea, we were adamantly against it.

Nexon published ktos since its launch.

You really have no idea what you’re talking about, as the things you state as facts are incorrect. The rest is just poor guesses.


I suppose you never browsed the jtos thread, there was a time they had more than 100 000 players but it was a long time ago.

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It’s not bugged. Check here:

Hype over new patches last 2-3 weeks at most here in iTos, even with the last patch, very few people came back to play, while in kTos they have important things going on every single week. Imagine that, then think about all the gacha things they implemented here and how far behind they are regarding content and balances.
Those are just facts. Whiteknight, come here baby, smack ur dumb face into a wall. They are milking while they can. Population growing thinner every day, they already announced server merges, all symptoms of a dying game.

I guess for someone that claims so much to know all truth and tries to devaluate my arguments you don’t even KNOW or was here the time they ADJUSTED the DPK system differently for us, and that is what I meant. All of it just because we asked. Because we hated DPK, then they adjusted the whole thing 2 or 3 times based on our feedback. Thus creating the only applied here (briefly unfortunately) IndividualDPK+Percentage system. And that’s a fact. Unless you want to still ignore it.

Also I know Nexon used to publish but they kinda acquired ToS a few months ago back when it was dying and Nexon had to pump a lot of money into ToS for it not to die completely, changed directors and the game is changing how it develops. I’m not saying HEY NEXON BOUGHT IT DUH cuz I can’t know it for sure, but all I’m saying is Nexon indeed put a lot of money into kToS and that’s why development changed and now kToS >>>>>>>>>> iToS in terms of how development goes. They don’t care about iToS how they used to anymore. You can say it’s not for kTos and it’s because it has less players now but then it’s just an endless loop, less caring for the server > always having less and less players > so on.


Crevox was here though.

@llucas_arruda, you really have no idea what you’re talking about at all.

It was implemented in korean servers as well.

Let me search, I’ll edit this post later if I find.

Actually, here, better:

Patch notes about it:

Item Drop:
- The item drop rate has been altered. Previously you would have to kill a certain amount of monsters to get item drop, now however, when the player kills a monster the probability of a good item via the drop rate begins to increase on a ‘per kill’ basis that rises steadily as opposed to it staying at the same chance like the previous calculation method.

And since you lied for 2 times, I must ask to confirm if you’re not lying any more.

Can you give any proof…

Oh wait, you don’t need to:

Stop spreading bullshit and stop embarrassing yourself, thanks.

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What detached reality of the past are you memorizing?

You should fact check then cause ktos doesn’t get important updates every week. Around the time of rank 9 release they went for a month of no relevant updates p much and two to three weeks in between is the norm. (Not to disgredit that it’s far better than what we have and quite nice really.)

Edgy. :smirk:


I visited all usual bot spots - Tenet Garden, Dina Bee Farm and etc - no bots / afk farmers. I can’t say 100% there are no bots there at all though - need more time to explore the matter.

Guys, please. stop fighting all other again about the same matter. With my post I tried to close the gap between “haters and white knights”, not to start another holywar.

@soldatazur I’ve been playing both games since their release, so I can tell you that ToS was taking, is taking and will take a lot from D3 in all game’s fields.



Now it makes me wonder if they’re handling this matter better or jtos players in general are just more disciplined, which wouldn’t surprise me.

Dont think Asian players are “better” then here.

I dont know how it is in jTOS, but afk-farming is against the rules in kTOS and there are/was like never any Necros at Dina Bee Farm. Needing a real korean social ID number thing for each account (instead of 1minute to make a steam account) plays part for that too.


we really can’t prevent people who are angry for not knowing what they want i guess ‘w’;;

when they demand transparency on future implementations, they complain it’s too early to announce and it’s the staff’s fault for hyping them

like, i have games that were implemented in their local country of origin that took 1-2 years before they updated it for other countries. of course there are people who just can’t wait and just bought the untranslated version and play for the new contents an cannot fully enjoy the game because it’s not their language.

most of the time they’ll blame the company for ruining the mood

to the extent they’ll ruin it for others as well, and make their stand and calls whoever says otherwise are whiteknighting

stuff like that

though i do noticed that majority of these folks are westerners. i wonder if it’s because not many peeps from SEA speak english. or it’s really just cultural differences?

but, as an SEA player, i’ve hardly encountered non-english speakers in the game. with this in mind, it is highly suggesting that it was the latter

Deym this mount looks awesome D:
And it has animation too - leaves shining show track

yeah… it’s a rare christmas gacha. and it runs pretty fast too.

i want one myself ; w ;

i also wish it can carry passengers too :'D

It WAS bugged. Read.

If you want, I know you’re stuck minded on this, no need to reopen this.

It WASN’T BUGGED when we posted about it. Read.

The OP reported the possible bug at Feb 21, 03:38 AM.

As you can see in the cached page: [Cached Page URL] Nak Muay Pre-quest Bug!


Your post was 9 hours ago: Feb 22, 2:57 PM.

Claiming that:

But that’s not all! It was working: Feb 21, 6:11 AM.

The user has Nak Muay unlocked.

Let’s do some review:

  1. Bug report: Feb 21, 03:38 AM.
  2. Quest working: Feb 21, 6:11 AM.

The additional patch happened at: Feb 21 4:01 AM.

So it’s safe to assume this, right?

  1. Bug report: Feb 21, 03:38 AM.
  2. Additional patch fixed the quest bug: Feb 21, 04:01 AM.
  3. Quest working: Feb 21, 6:11 AM.

Time elapsed until bug was fixed from when was reported: 23 minutes.

What happens next?

  1. Crybaby crying: Feb 22, 2:57 PM.

So, let me repeat:

Dear crybaby @soldatazur, do you need me to explain how simple present works?

Check some posts below, it wasn’t even bugged. lol

This is common though since we get only partial patches and not the latest patches from korean servers.

But fixing a bug within 23 minutes from the actual bug report is quite something. I guess some people that are too fixed on their negativity bias can’t understand how much value this actually has :woman_shrugging: - I wonder if they actually know how dev jobs works.

Yeah, fixing a bug that was already fixed is hard.

Oh, btw, lot’s of ppl also forget that it’s F2P game. IMC owe us nothing D:
So we actually can’t complain about service being provided for free

It’s not hard. It’s just about response times.

This means IMC STAFF actually listened to the current complaints quite fast, passed them to Devs, the Devs actually got to understand what happened. Then we got the fix and it was pushed to iToS servers.

This isn’t like changing a value on Excel.

This 23 minutes response time was great even if the bug is small, considering all circumstances and how business companies like IMC and others works.

I guess you can’t understand how much value this have and what this means, right, crybaby number two?