Tree of Savior Forum

Just some thoughts about updates

Good day, Saviors.

It’s not a big secret that iToS community is quite frustrated. And the main reason of this frustrations, apparently, is a very slow update process. Updates, skill revamps, new features and all juicy stuff that is already have been implemented on kToS is nowhere to see on iToS. I got that, we all got that and we all don’t like that.
Just for shits and giggles I tried to check out jToS today. I never really bothered about jToS (although I live in Japan) and never wanted to play there. Due to different reasons. But my frustration about iToS finally reached it’s peak and I installed jToS client. And can you imagine my surprise when I realized, that jToS is EVEN MORE FAR BEHIND in terms of updates from kToS than iToS? They still don’t have falconer, QS etc. revamp we got with the last updates. Their events are nothing special – for example they have that pirate-boat-costume event ongoing now. And it was months ago on iToS. The only major difference about jToS is ping (well, only for ppl living in japan, obviously) and TP shop – they have most of the Gacha-costumes sold just for TP, instead of medals. That’s it. Game optimization in terms of lags became nearly similar – iToS is almost as non-laggy as jToS.
And one more thing – people on jToS don’t cry and whine about updates are coming too slow, most of them just don’t care about what kToS already has. I myself almost have lost my interest towards iToS in recent months and talked a lot of ■■■■ about IMC. But today I somehow re-evaluated my position on this matter. I think no one will suspect me in being a white knight, protecting IMC. But maybe iToS is not that bad after all, IMC just doing things slow because they don’t want to fk up and we, players, are too impatient? Think about Diablo3, which ToS is so desperately trying to follow in terms of mechanics, features and updates. Major patches happens there once in half a year or even a year. And no one complains, thousands of people still playing that game (including me). Yes, it’s a grind game, just like ToS. And to be honest – there is no amazing end-game content in D3, just like in ToS. It’s a game about constant improving your gears. The only thing IMC sucks at – TP shop. All that gachas, terrible leticias and etc. But again – no one force us to buy them, right? We can just ignore – as LOT’S of people suggests here. Just ignore their shitty loot-boxes and maybe some day they’ll become less shitty.

I guess, I was just too impressed by jToS being even more behind than we are, and I’m not sure the majority of players know that. So I thought it would be useful to share this info and my thought on it with our community. Peace.


it’s kinda like that too in most SEA communities ‘w’; most of the time i see people complaining about content is from NA or SA ‘w’;

back in RO days, i hardly take note on the “current” updates since it’s going to be a long time before it reaches our servers. at the most i just take a look at the new jobs (which i am not very fond how rogueclass gets less and less clothing everytime they get an upgrade)

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I agree with you, most games I play, there will people whines about it. Why don’t just enjoy the games and follow the flow?

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Makes sense that jTOS is behind. It was released far after iTOS after all.

I don’t know, for me, the updates themselves aren’t an issue. I mainly don’t understand why they announce things (on official posts) when we know they’ll only happen in 5-6 months. That’s the kind of things that frustrates players. Tell them about things that will happen sooner.
Wouldn’t it be better to say only a few weeks in advance “Those new things are coming soon ! Let us introduce them.” ?
I think people would actually be less annoying if they did it this way. With the way it is currently done, when they do update something people still complain because what they personally wanted was from another update that came after.
Like last update, they added some things they talked about in Sept-Nov iirc, but they also announced things after these, so people asked “What about the other stuff ???”. It makes sense.

I also think some people let out steam by complaining about updates because they’re mostly annoyed by the gacha cubes and the bugs. The updates are the only things that make them forget about the other issues =P

Although I don’t really care, I mostly want a smoother game and more kinds of contents .__. Also for my old TOS friends to come back :sad:


I guess you are right in some way.
But (!) on the other hand, we can consider it to be a cortesey - IMC is giving players more than enough time to prepare for the upcoming changes. I remember how pissed off I was about super-sudden changes on our Ragnarok server. Everytime people were enraged because they had to adapt to the changes after they were already implemented.

So it’s a double edged sword, I guess. There must be a balance between giving players time to get ready and dragging it way too much and making everyone bored and pissed off.

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Yeah~ And it’s also their way to “hype” people, to tell them “Look, we’re working on more things for you ! You even asked for some !” which is always nice.
But I don’t know~ Maybe a good in-between would be to say what they’re working on without too many details, and then give the details of everything a few weeks before they add them ? For example say what they’re working on in the big lines, and then ~2-3 weeks before it’s added they can list the details of what they were planning.
Some people will always be unsatisfied anyway. For some reason some of them think they should have the updates only a few weeks after kTOS gets them…

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Big updates create hype.
Bigger companies know how to surf the hype-wave, differently here in iTos big updates are announced months before their actually release, in these months they do not mantain the necessary hype level and players stop to log in in the meantime.

Btw the more i play “divinity: original sin” (both 1 & 2), the more i do not appreciate ToS comunications between devs and players.

Why do you think JP players don’t whine as much as International players do?

That would be a great thing, if only a fourth of those updates actually had new things to do, we’ve been doing Saalus and ET for over a year and then we finally got something sort of new to do at max level (sort of), not to mention pretty much everything else can be done blind folded.

Balancing classes and bug fixes =/= content, its something that’s generally expected to come between content updates. In my opinion the big problem really comes down to is that IMC botched up a lot of things with the game and they are fixing a lot of those problems (which I’m glad they are), but adding an npc that allows you to gamble for gems doesn’t give players much to do, it just solves one of the many games problems while adding to another one.

Those players need a reality check, especially when it comes to a game from another region. However, it shouldn’t take almost 4 months to give us an update that’s mostly just translating new skill updates, a dozen gems/cards and an npc that has two strings of dialogue.

But anyways, that’s just my opinion of what most myself and several friends of mine are frustrated about when it comes to the ‘lack’ of updates.

At least they have no problem with translating gacha cubes and their respective items every couple weeks though :joy:

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ToS is a grinding game

D3 and PoE are grinding games too but they give players an incentive to keep playing. While in ToS we just use this “grinding game” excuse because there’s nothing to do so we just do our saalus runs and brainwash ourselves into believing that it’s normal because “ToS is a grinding game”.


its sad cuz gap is bigger and bigger each week… i can dream when i will see onmyoji in itos…

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We’ve been consistently 1-2 months behind ktos for a while in general. This is pretty small compared to most Korean MMORPGs who are usually a year (or more) behind.

It’s not too bad, as other MMORPGs like WoW or FFXIV do content patches every 3-4 months. We got our patch about 2 months after the R9 update. The issue is that we arbitrarily get our update cut off time chosen, and whatever content, no matter how big or important it is, that was about to come out after that update gets delayed for a while. In this case, it was the Wizard rework, guild quest update, and legendary cards that were just barely missed. Next time, it could be something like Belcoper.

Besides that, of course, yes, the updates provide much less content and things to do than a typical MMORPG, but that’s just how it goes with a much lower budget game. Of course, they could work on modifying their priorities toward actual playable content rather than balance changes or whatever else they decide to do… but that’s all subjective.

Finally, Onmyoji doesn’t even exist in ktos or ktest yet. It wasn’t even announced to the public, it was just datamined, so it’s not playable there or anywhere else yet.

Curious question, how does jTOS handle afk/macro necro/sorcs?

As funny or stupid as it seems, that’s actually my main concern, updates will come no matter what or the game will die, so I understand that they will come eventually even if they are months late.

Though, it seems as if it takes longer than a month to deal with these necros, not even sure if report bot function is working correctly.


And lot of KR games take more time to reach Japan than EU/NA. That’s why :

It’s actually you who desperately think they are trying to do that lol.

And as said above :

You can call iToS community cry babies, who cares, it doesn’t change how incompetant IMC is. They recently added Muay Thai bugged quest into the game while they already fixed it in KR…

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iToS used to be treated as a valuable server, GMs used to talk much more with players, our voice was heard (as in some gameplay updates based on what we said, whole DPK system that was applied ONLY in iToS) but now that Nexon acquired krToS it’s like we don’t even exist. Nothing we say on forums are even slightly taken into consideration as valuable information to improve gameplay anymore, we are 3 or more months behind in content (we used to be only weeks behind) now it seems like they are just trying to milk as much money as they possibly can with those gachas until iTos inevitably dies. Let’s be real honest here, the game is dying even in korea, they still aren’t capable of dealing with all the problems the game already have, what maintains it alive is this new way they treat it pumping out content and big patches each month AND WE DON’T GET IT HERE. That’s why it’s dying. Also hard to talk about jToS when I’m sure it has less players than any different server from iToS alone.


AFK Necros functioned in itos recently not due to a macro, but due to a bug. That bug was patched in ktos, have not checked if the fix made it in this update.

It’s not happening any more or less than it always has been.

This is false, as KR had the DPK system. It also wasn’t our idea, we were adamantly against it.

Nexon published ktos since its launch.

You really have no idea what you’re talking about, as the things you state as facts are incorrect. The rest is just poor guesses.


I suppose you never browsed the jtos thread, there was a time they had more than 100 000 players but it was a long time ago.

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It’s not bugged. Check here:

Hype over new patches last 2-3 weeks at most here in iTos, even with the last patch, very few people came back to play, while in kTos they have important things going on every single week. Imagine that, then think about all the gacha things they implemented here and how far behind they are regarding content and balances.
Those are just facts. Whiteknight, come here baby, smack ur dumb face into a wall. They are milking while they can. Population growing thinner every day, they already announced server merges, all symptoms of a dying game.

I guess for someone that claims so much to know all truth and tries to devaluate my arguments you don’t even KNOW or was here the time they ADJUSTED the DPK system differently for us, and that is what I meant. All of it just because we asked. Because we hated DPK, then they adjusted the whole thing 2 or 3 times based on our feedback. Thus creating the only applied here (briefly unfortunately) IndividualDPK+Percentage system. And that’s a fact. Unless you want to still ignore it.

Also I know Nexon used to publish but they kinda acquired ToS a few months ago back when it was dying and Nexon had to pump a lot of money into ToS for it not to die completely, changed directors and the game is changing how it develops. I’m not saying HEY NEXON BOUGHT IT DUH cuz I can’t know it for sure, but all I’m saying is Nexon indeed put a lot of money into kToS and that’s why development changed and now kToS >>>>>>>>>> iToS in terms of how development goes. They don’t care about iToS how they used to anymore. You can say it’s not for kTos and it’s because it has less players now but then it’s just an endless loop, less caring for the server > always having less and less players > so on.


Crevox was here though.

@llucas_arruda, you really have no idea what you’re talking about at all.

It was implemented in korean servers as well.

Let me search, I’ll edit this post later if I find.

Actually, here, better:

Patch notes about it:

Item Drop:
- The item drop rate has been altered. Previously you would have to kill a certain amount of monsters to get item drop, now however, when the player kills a monster the probability of a good item via the drop rate begins to increase on a ‘per kill’ basis that rises steadily as opposed to it staying at the same chance like the previous calculation method.

And since you lied for 2 times, I must ask to confirm if you’re not lying any more.

Can you give any proof…

Oh wait, you don’t need to:

Stop spreading bullshit and stop embarrassing yourself, thanks.

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