Tree of Savior Forum

Just making sure on sage

So… Sage C2 has a skill that opens up portal shop. How does it work?

Can I delete saved portal spot and create a new one? Can I open a portal shop and let my other characters (in the same account) use the shop?

I wanna make sure I understand how the portal mechanism works before i make a sage 2.


Edit: also, is there any restrictions to which map can be saved? For example, evacuation residential district requires specific quests completed to enter. Can I still save that map as my portal?

The Portal Shop can set up to 3 of your saved portal locations. The skill requires 1 portal stone (5k silver at Sage NPC) per portal sold. Price (Silute[SA]) is about 10k silver (5k silver profit per stone).
You can open portal store and then switch to another character. Never tried purchasing my own portal, but I’m pretty sure it is possible. You can even close your game and when you come back your shop will still be open (unless the channel crashes, which is likely to happen).
Portal locations cannot be saved in dungeons, only fields.

Thanks a bunch. But you did not answer my question about deleting/overweiting saved spots. What i meant is, say i have 3 spots saved: woods of linked brideg, gateway of great king, and letas stream. What if i want to have tanet garden as my save spot, can i delete any of the 3 saved spot and save tanet garden?

You can save up to 6 location, and only 3 can be set on shop.
So if you want new location, you have to delete the 1 in 6.

Lol i literally just saw the attribute and was gonna ask, but you answered. So it’s any 6 of my choice right? Not just the oldest gets overwritten? Thanks.

you can delete any of your saved spots through Portal skill screen

How is this build for sage?

I’m not trying to be PvE strong or make money. Mainly just want sage2 for portal shop. Alchem2 is just “might as well”, it can make some lv10 potions for lower level characters (not sure about the cost for potion crafting, anyone have any sources i can read on?). Cryo-psycho because i’ve never played psychokino before.

The build may not be ideal, but I at least want the skill distribution to be as best as possible.

There’s also a 30% tax on what you earn, alchemist 2 is atrocious as the cost of potions is always the same, and no one would buy level 10 potions.
1 dilgele + class master materials = 5 red potions
1 uosis + class master materials = 5 blue potions

You might as well go Cryo 3 Kino 3 Sage 2. It’s a bit more playable and you can freeboot some challenge mode or meme content as a sup.

Ok thanks. I will look more into sage/psychokino builds. I’m glad i asked lol.

Cryo3Kino3 is incredibly weak at the moment and it doesn’t really match with Sage because of the long CD’s. If you really want to try cryokino I suggest a dedicated build that includes rune caster and doesn’t have sage.

One of the best sage2 builds atm is Wiz> X > Linker2 > Thaum3 > Sage2. You will be strong in PvE with little to no investment and will serve as both DPS (solo) and Support (Party). Very good for running daily 300 dungeons for silver and also good for hunting ground farming. Sage’s micro dimension (attributed) with Joint Penalty is incredibly strong. The other skills are also strong and work well with Thaum’s swell buffs because of their high attack ratio %.

If you don’t care much for thaum3, you can swap it out with chrono3. You will end up being mostly party support with that build, but the plus side is you can haste yourself to run around maps and maybe collect portals faster. Also, you can spam Joint Penalty more with Pass.

Funny thing is, I was actually debating on whether to turn my wiz-pyro-link2-chrono2 into sage for the exact same reason you mentioned. Originally the plan is to go for AA build (chrono-enchanter) but maybe i will turn it into chrono-sage instead. But seems like cryo3-chrono3-sage2 is more popular, that’s why i was debating.

I’ve been playing my Cryo/Chrono/Sage2 a little bit recently since she’d been benchwarming from before the R9 update.

I will say, with that build, you will not feel strong. Unless you invest a LOT in your weapon, your damage will feel pretty lackluster in anything other than straight map-clearing. Even with the Sage 2 attributes, you will just feel like you aren’t contributing much DPS compared to the rest of your party.

That being said, the build is still good for the reasons it was good back in the R7 days. It works phenomenally well as a support, and the addition of Missile Hole and Dimension Compression from Sage makes it even better. I never ended up testing the Enchanter support variant, but even though I felt my DPS was lacking a little (using 50 CON/Rest INT and a +10 Bertas Pevordimas Staff), it was incredibly satisfying to play in Challenge Modes and Dungeons.

TL;DR don’t expect to do a ton of damage solo as a Sage unless you have super high trans or are a linker. Otherwise, Cryo3/Chrono3/Sage2 still feels like a very viable support/semi-dps build.

Thanks but uh… Which build of mine are you referring to that will not make me feel strong?
The psychokino3-alchem3-sage2 has already been discarded. Cryo3-kino3 has been said by Sakanagi to be weak so that is out of the picture too. Are you talking about the pyro-linker2-chrono3-sage2?

This one.

Ah, ic. Well, I wasn’t expecting to be DPS as a sage in the first place. It will be a support build, and most importantly, teleport shop for my other characters just for convenience.
The reason i chose psychokino before was simply because I never tried the class, not really intended to have any synergy at all. I did mention the build doesn’t matter, no need to be ideal. Just want the skills to be as best as possible.

Its ok though, i know what i wanna do now. Thanks a bunch.