Tree of Savior Forum

Jumping Puzzles

I think its good that you guys hide the quests to emphasize exploration, but what other better way to do it than to implement jumping puzzles?

It would be really interesting if few maps ( or even all if you got the budget for that) could get a jumping puzzle with some small reward ( like the one in legwyn family dungeon).

Its a gameplay mechanic that explorers , like myself, love to find in those new mmos ( like guild wars2 , wildstar ,Star wars the old republic, even wow has these).

here is a video reference from another game:


Jumping puzzles was an amazing feature in GW2 but here, I guess devs need some major improvements on game map floors and the lack of camera rotation makes a TOS jumping puzzle less fun too…

nah, mario and sonic dont have camera rotation and those are jumping puzzle only games. The game does have a few already actually, It would be cool to have more.


I love puzzles. I would like more puzzles, no matter the form. These kinds of challenges in games have been lost over the years. It is a pity.

I support your idea.

True :c ToS quests are way too easy. Even the “hardest” quests takes just a few minutes even if you didn’t sleep well and is playing like a zombie.