Tree of Savior Forum

JTOS opened later... but less BUG, no LAG, smoother Gameplay. And they already get Miko and Agni Necklace. RIP ITOS




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Because they have actual publishers while we have none. Remember how the forums cheered when IMC announced self publishing of ITOS without those EVIL GREEDY publishers?


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At least Nexon guarantees some basic level of service, by investing in proper server infrastructure, holding good events etc. Good service would had made the technical problems of TOS more bearable.

Seems to me JTOS is the best version of TOS now, they are the second fastest to get updates after KTOS which continues to be the test server lol.

JTOS also has way more players than all other versions combined - their 5 servers still have a log in queue :open_mouth:

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This ^

But in the end, even us didn’t know that the developer company would turn evil, or more like, rotten. lol

Till the last drop.


Bruh… jToS is still under NEXON…
edit: Scratch that.

Yeah agreed, our servers are potatoes on life support.

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This stuff is so bad that it’s like a comedy of errors to the point of wondering if they are seriously real. Who ever posted this image in the last topic about this stuff had me dying.


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well, its japan… no wonder about it
their jRO also is a success there
also they like loli, pedo more than us hueheuhue
thats why get more ppl playing
more ppl - more money
nexon gotta take care of them if not they will rage quit like us xD


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Well according to IMC patching things from ktos to itos is not simple and easy due to problems with steam, something about not being able to just mirror the two clients or something like that. So maybe having itos out of steam could help with the issues if they don’t know how to operate the game well enough through steam? idk :confused:

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“Because we’re iTOS that’s why”


if ITOS have less lag and bugs during its early days. im sure it can retain even more players

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I think it’s a combination of IMC not having a clue how to host their own game in addition to Steam not being developer-friendly. But hey, that’s what the players wanted and that’s what they got: a development studio trying to play the part of publisher, which they know barely anything about. Because for some reason Blizzard is the go-to model for what would happen if the developer was also the publisher, never realizing that Blizzard is able to host their own games because they have the money to have an actual marketing/publishing team for their own company.

IMC is just a development studio. If they had the money to hire their own publishing team, they’d already do so instead of partnering up with existing publishing companies like Nexon, Hanbitsoft, etc. to market and manage their games.


true that. and ITOS still buggy until today. ohwells