Tree of Savior Forum

😹 Best way to balance classes: Remove the whole swordsman tree in the game and everyone else will still do fine (and maybe happier?)

Oh yis! Another #buffswordsman thread. Something for the haters. Enjoy!

Remove cleric? Can’t, best support.

Remove archer? Can’t, best sustained DPS and decent AOE.

Remove wiz? Can’t, best CC/AOE and decent DPS/burst.

Remove swordsman? Well, yeah you can. Linker is better than Pelt anyways. All content will still be accessible and doable with just the 3 other classes - ET, dungeons, missions, quests, TBL, GvG, name it!

Do that and you’ll have a very well-balanced game. Fuckin’ simple solution (since a lot of you hate swordsmen complaints anyways).

Why… their passive aggro drawing is always good for party. Pelt can prevent team from getting hit and focus mob in one place for better aoe dps. Their dps never lose too much in term of bossing, just that they are harder to play because they are melee, thus cause them cannot constant dps at range like archer and mage does.

Linker will never replace pelt as pelt can avoid team being killed, and more targets too, with much bigger range.

And lastly, be patient wait for R8, R8 swordies are so much better than wizards. You can check ktos r8 videos at other threat.

Edit : I am EleWL myself, and recently I made another archer. I just have to say I m glad to have some swordman in my party IF they know what they are capable of. Because of them we dps only can safely dps without dodging too much, thus more efficient. :open_mouth:

Ask top ET clearing parties if they need Pelt.

Well its because ET mobs just auto rush to you without pelt aggro. :smile: And its just ET right? I can see dungeon are cleared with pelt with much more efficiency. Just wait for harder dungeon content. By the way R8 swordie are so much OP now that people are start complaining it. Why you so desperate :open_mouth:

no please, if u remove it, 1/2 of my char is gone!!

Linker is still better in most occassions, especially when the party doesn’t have enough DPS output. Having both Pelt and Linker is best though.

Nope. TBL, only cata3 can do well though never be top10 unless you have uber equips or players of other classes in your server who do TBL don’t know how to play.

GvG? Hahaha.

Grind? Anyone can pull, Pelt just makes it a bit easier.

To early to make such conclusion. Who knows what IMC will do once R8 hits iTOS.

By the way, thread’s just sarcasm, in case it wasn’t obvious. :joy_cat:


Ha! ya’ got IMCed lel :stuck_out_tongue:

Next complaint please.

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Crit dmg is the only way out for swordsman. Given with zalciai and fully equiped crit rate items, sw can easily take 1st place dps

actually your right everything is on those 3 classes and why swordsman exist if imc did not give a significant role or imc change swordsman into assassin class

by the way swordsman fan here and still waiting imc gives better news to that class

I know this isn’t serious, but if they actually did do that, that would probably do it for me. They could offer a level and stat transfer to another character and I’d still probably have to step away for a while. I adore my Dragoon,so…

pat pat I still love swordies. Dont remove them lol

Clearly, Archer is too toxic for this game, should remove archers