Tree of Savior Forum

Joint Penalty Bugged or not?

Wiz3>Linker2>Thauma1>FF2 here. Been hunting the 315 HG for 2 days already, everyhting was fine until then. Today I keep on experiencing my joint penalty being removed. After applying swell body and when mobs are at 20% hp from my blood sucking, my JP suddenly vanishes…

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theres your answer. JP has a hit count. You hit that count you lose JP.

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I’ve been farming for “2 days” and they die from the combo and today they don’t die… Why is that?

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Maybe it’s a…


Ninja to stop a class from farming? :frowning:

Everything is fine - farming HG all day today. Maybe you don’t JP enough mobs and didnt notice that.
Also you’d rather make w2link2thauma2ff2 for farming

I JP 5 as a minimum. I’ll try again later tonight maybe it’s because of my ping or something…

What advantage does thauma 2 have over wiz 3 anyway?

More mobs to swell, longer swell duration, more MATK from swell hand.
Practically you JP 8 mobs and can swell 8 mobs

ok thanks, just noticed that there’s a target number restriction on swell body… Oh well…

Some Hunting Ground monsters have a hidden buff to make Joint Penalty weaker.

Note that this is completely different than monsters immune to link.

I solved my problem silly me. I switched off my JP attributes earlier including the poison damage increase… I switched that one off since I thought it won’t do me any good but increase JP’s SP cost, and then after looking at my FF skill description it says “poison property”. Thanks for the help guys.

Most if not all of the offensive skills from FF are poison based, if you disable the poison attribute from JP you will suffer loss of damage.