Tree of Savior Forum

Joint Penalty and Swell body

does Joint penalty enlarge all mobs with swell body?

Like: 11 mobs are linked, and you use lv 1 swell body (targets only 3), will all 11 mobs be enlarged or only 3 mobs are? thanks!

edit: Does hangman’s knot attribute decreasing mob AOE defense allows swell body to affect more targets? Im asking because I was trying to solo a dungeon and everytime I JP + HK 5 mobs, they all turn large instead of just 3. Glitch or intentional?

yeah it does enlarge all linked mobs, also remmember to use hangsman knot to dont miss

Dont give mis-info!!!

The answer is: 3 targerts are affected swell body, JP do nothing to the number affected.

I went ahead and did some test. 5 mobs joined with JP+HK, lv 1 swell body (targets 3) swelled 4 monsters. not 3 not 5 :S thats so weird.

Not swelling the maximum number should be normal since the monster can resist the effect (??? I think most debuffs can).

Reducing the mob AoE Def Ratio to 0 might change Swell Body and I think that is OP’s question, if anyone with Linker 2 > Thauma 1 could clarify this with screenshots it would be great.

I’m gonna follow this topic, i wanna know too if that happen or not

JP does not increase the number of targets affected by swell body or shrink body.

It does not. it only swells the number base on your skills level, and yes they can resist it as well