Tree of Savior Forum

Joint Penality & AoE spells

I have a question about Join Penality, I would like to know how it exactly work on AoE spells (like Electrocute or Meteor).

I was planning on WizC3 - Elem C2 - Linker C2, since I don’t like C6-7 classes the plan is to max damages with Join Penality waiting for higher ranks class.

The question:
Does AoE works with Join Penality?
If i link 4 monsters togheter and use Electrocute or Meteor on them, will they take each 4x the damages?

It used to be that way, now they just take 2 damages, one from the AoE and one from Joint Penalty.

So this skill do not truly “share” the damages… (Thanks to IMC for their awesome tooltips and traductions).

But it probably worth the try, even more if i go for Hail: Freeze > Joint Penalty: Lightning > Electrocute: Freezing Magic Damage Synergy

Thank you for this quick answer :slight_smile:

As i said, it used to work like that but it was too strong, they HAD to nerf.

Imagine this: 10 monsters linked with Joint Penalty and you use an AoE skill that hits 5 times, all of them get hit.

Like it was before, they would get hit 55 times each! 5 from the aoe itself and then 5 per monster linked which would result in 55 hits. Now they take 10 hits, 5 from the aoe and 5 from Joint Penalty which still strong af but it’s not broken xD

This was never the case. Joint penalty would only ever allow enemies to be hit twice by the same aoe: 1 from the aoe itself and 1 from joint penalty, regardless of how many were linked.

Now it doesn’t even do that anymore. True AoE skills like Meteor will only hit once regardless of joint penalty. The only way you can still get mileage out of joint penalty in that regard is with skills that aren’t exactly AoE but can hit multiple enemies (not exactly at the same time) i.e. Electrocute and Magic Missile. Each enemy will get hit by the other’s bounced missiles/lightning.

This is mostly true. Just to add after testing it out a little and it basically works with all non-deployment/ground targetted AoEs I have.

So Meteor, Hail, Frost Cloud no

Frost Spike/Ice Bolt/Energy Bolt/Electrocute/Magic Missile/Freezing Sphere/Ice Wall yes.

afaik it works with hail since hail doesn’t really hit enemies at the same time. It’s just random “bursts” in an area

Okay guys, thank you for your help. :slight_smile:
If you do any further tests, I would like know the results. :wink:

Problem is if they Hangman’s Knot, everything will be clustered in 1 single area. Works great when they don’t though.

I still have this doubt about how the Magic Missile and other spells are affected by the link.

In the example I tried to draw in the default Magic Missile it reaches a mob and magic is reflected over 5 mobs.

With 5 monsters linked, each will receive the Magic Missile and each will reflect for more 5, totaling 25 mobs hitted?

I think it’s more like… you just share the damage.



MM5 releases 3 missiles, then each of those missiles release 5 more.
In total, you have 18 Missiles.

The initial missiles (A0, B0, C0) can land on the same target
The 2nd set of missiles (A1-A5, B1-B5, C1-C5) cannot go to a target that’s already been targeted by the same missile group/letter (A1 cannot have the same target as A0, A2, etc. but can go to B0, B2, C5 etc.'s target)

You can hit a target only a maximum of 3 times.

Maximum spread : 18 monsters, 1 missile each
Minimum spread: 6 monsters, 3 missiles each

If you JP 6 monsters (Linker C1 + Dandel) and have your missile do minimum spread, those 3 hits on each of the 6 monsters are all shared. That would mean that you’re doing 18 hits on 6 monsters.

This would also work on higher levels of JP. As long as there’s at least 6 monsters, and each missile successfully lands on a linked monster, you’re guaranteed to deal 18 hits on all of the linked monsters.

DISCLAIMER: This is a theory

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Oh! Thanks… well… someone has tested it? :frowning2:
because I 'm doing wiz3 > link1 > thau2 to do the Magic Missile as an amazing aoe skill because of this link.

Remember that linker got nerfed - thau3 may be better idea with brain swell - you’ll be more welcomed in parties probably since larger ones will have linker 3 anyway.