Tree of Savior Forum

I've been doing research on how to combat gold sellers

First one is disable all forms of global chat other then what the GM’s (we still need our announcement’s hehe) can do this is research from Raganork online a game that I am sure many have played if any means of them advertising there service’s are limited it means us outside the city’s will never have to hear them understandably the community will not like this but until a means to disable there chatting via the means of blocking is working fully without us having to reset the client because they will just continue to make more bots so it becomes more frustrating to keep resetting the client when you block a number of them only for them to make more.

So I ask the community you have two choices here accept this global ban temporary or keep it and continue to hear the spam of the bots.

Second one understanding that we need a means to block there message’s without them being alerted to it the way I see it that bots go into three stage’s so to fight bots we need to understand there processes.

Stage one green : they will continue to repeat message’s unhindered because they don’t feel they are blocked and there message’s are getting out there advertising there service’s.

Stage two yellow : they will often have a time limit based on the factor that people would be blocking there message’s so after a limit of time they will make a new person for there account and repeat it all over again.

Stage three red : this is when they have been blocked they will automatically evade being banned by removing there person via the meens of deleting in a attempted to avoid the host account from being banned.

So with this we need a blocking feature that will remove there message’s from there hole account not just the person they are on number two there needs to be a removal timer when you try to delete one of your people from your family and three a means to record those being banned to understand there trends more.

Its not as simple as just blocking them because we all know they will just make another one with possibly a stole account or other reason so to combat them also please refrain from using there service’s because not only its them who does it but also people paying for there service providing them with wood for the fire.

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can’t they just ban there wifi router?

what you really need is the funds to hire a dedicated team (2-3 people), with full access to all server logs. they buy some silver from various sellers (or catch people who have already bought some), then using the logs track it back to where it came from. then you simply purge any associated accounts, and burn all the silver they’ve accumulated.

it would also help if there were simpler options to report botters, like in the right-click menu or something.

I’m assuming this is intended as a joke but like hackers they will find a way around it.

the thing is banning a bot does not really do much other then alerts them to make a new bot think of it as a illness.

You simply cant cure a illness if you keep hacking away at body parts you must identity its motives and work against said motives in the aspect as I have been saying is finding a way to make it so bots don’t know they have been blocked but keep them thinking they are not blocked there for they don’t make a new bot to replace the old and slow down the process of them making new bots a considerably longer time in hopes it will lower there worth then when it becomes less profitable even to the point of not profitable it should lower the influx of bots.

Unfortunately you cant ever stop bots no matter how much you try but you can learn to slow them down a great tactician once said these quotes.

All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near. Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder, and crush him.
– Sun Tzu, the Art of War

If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.
– Sun Tzu

Understand these quotes and there could be a way to beat back the bots.

@kaligoth5000 another quote for you: “A little knowledge can be a dangerous thing”.

or in other words, you need to learn a lot more before you can help the situation.

firstly, how are they bots going to be aware that they are being blocked in the first place? i don’t think that blocking someone in chat sends them any sort of notification. (if there is a notification, that would be sorta hilarious, walls of “You have been blocked” scrolling by on their screen.)

secondly; nothing you said is new. all of that is basic knowledge to anyone that’s ever done any programming, used a bot in the past (for good or for evil), or even just spent a while thinking about it.

as someone else pointed out in another thread; having the team names associated to an account actually helps deal with spammers a lot. since the team name can’t be changed so easily, it’s easy to trace a spammer back to the account, even if the specific character was deleted.
– even without the team names, if the server keeps sufficiently detailed records of various actions, it would be of trivial difficulty to trace a deleted character back to an account. eg, instead of “X was deleted” simply change it to “X was deleted from Y account.”

the game is only available via steam (at least here, anyway), so finding the host account also means finding the steam account; a quick slap in the face and the entire steam account is unable to play the game anymore. if they want to make new bots, after one is banned, they need a new steam account, and with that a new access pass. every banned account is $10 of the botters’ money wasted. the hell with that, LET THEM MAKE MORE AND MORE and waste 10 bucks each time on new early access passes.

meanwhile, the spam-bots are just that, spam-bots. they probably have one guy running 10,20, maybe more computers, all just buying megaphones and spamming away. they don’t actually have any silver on them. even if the spammers are destroyed, the RMT’s still have all their hoarded silver.

this is why you need a team tracing all their activity - to find where it’s actually kept. kill off a few of those accounts, and it’s the same as burning all the stockpiled money. even if it’s cheap to gather that money, it’s not free. if they can’t sell it, they can’t recover their investment, and no business survives in a market where they have to keep dumping money into it just to keep running. if they are losing money, they’ll give up and find some place more profitable to focus their efforts.

and THAT is the first trick to making them stop: make it cost more to provide the silver than they can make off of it.

the PROBLEM with doing that: it costs them pennies to produce what they sell for dollars. and greedy players are more than happy to pump dollar after dollar into it, so they can get ahead.

thus, the second, and the real trick to making them stop: get people to stop buying.
which is never going to happen.

About the banning thing its not so much notification but rather time if the person is smart enough to run a bot they will understand this so I am assuming they do bots for like 20 mins then log the person off and use a different or new bot this is why I advice a deleting timer as you can only have 4 people per account on a server anyway.

The thing is you and I don’t know if blocking message’s effects there hole account rather then one person tied to the family also half the stuff you mentioned is information me and you would not have access too period I was merely mentioning the stuff encase it is not in the game because as I said I don’t know.

you do make a good point this is done via steam and surly every account must have a steam ID tagged with it so that is correct banning that would mean they would need a new steam ID.

Okay I am going to side with you on this we need a team to ban these I really wished they made this game subscription based rather then F2P :frowning: its one of the major advantage’s to Subscription yes they still suffer from bots but its minimal at best.

blocking affects the whole account. it blocks by team name, not character name.

and i’m aware that most of that is stuff that the developers/publishers need to do.
there’s little or nothing we as players can do except block the ads, and not buy from them.

yeah I just personally wish I could do more I really want the game to success as much as it can.

the first step should be a means to block spammers that doesn’t fill up our blocked players list.

A squelch system, basically. When you right click on a chat bubble in the chat there should be the block player option and then also a report spam option.

If you report spam, their name gets added to a short term block list, if enough people report spam then their account is disabled for a short period and they are flagged for investigation. Then IMC can investigate and either block the account entirely, block the IP, whatever they need to do.

Frankly my block list has hundreds of gibberish names in it already. Not sure what the cap is but, assuming there is one, I’m going to hit it sooner rather than later.

and managing the spammers in my block list shouldn’t be part of the game.