Tree of Savior Forum

It's viable to be a non-summon Necromancer?

This class have some cool skills aside from summons.
Would be nice a Necromancer for things other than farming at dina bee.

Even with summons, you still have to cast the other necromancer skills to do better DPS.

You have enough skill points to do both, and if you don’t take summons you’re just making yourself weaker unnecessarily.

you dont get the point, i don’t wanna use summons, i dont like then.
a Necromancer without summons would be bad?

sorry OP if i hijack thread

im also curious about this.
I have a wiz 3 in rank reset and am hoping to see what i can do with it.
i was wondering if wiz 3 link 2 necro c3 would be fun. This build used to be a meta for necros but im not sure if its good.

1st question: would gather corpse synergise well with Joint penalty?

2nd question: how is flesh cannon? is it good AOE? good for single target dps?

3rd question: how is flesh hoop? I think it works like dark theurge so 1 point is the most you should add to it?

I think if these questions were answered maybe OP could create a non-summon reliant necromancer.

Yes, gather corpse can kill (probably one-two shot mobs) with joint penalty (as does most skills tbh).

Flesh Cannon is strong for both AoE and single target. AoE is pretty small though, so mobs have to be packed tightly.

Most people don’t put points into flesh hoop because they would rather invest points into summons, but it’s not that bad of a skill, just that it works best on single target.

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thanks for reply.

I want another wizard that can do decent single target and have an AOE damage skill set so its fun and doesnt struggle too much.

Is Flash Strike good? and the attribute “shogoth explosion” do damage or just corruption?

You will be able to solo stuff if you have good gear, but the damage compared to other builds will be sad.

I was a wiz3-Link2-necro3 before, It was fun nuking them down with FC and link to dirty pole for boss, but when link immune patches came (post 300 content) they suck so I reset my necro to elememe. Necro 3 seems lack luster atm, sorc2necro2 would be way better unless you plan on afk farming dinas

I have 2 char with necros, one pyro linker necro, others cyro sorc necro. I have played them in 2 weeks, IMO linker is not compatible with necro summons anymore, 10 hit from summons and JP gone. (Or party members while you cast HK or other skills)

Flesh strike, imagine a meteor from elementalist with a little better damage and 100 corpse price. Flesh cannon will be your main DPS skill.

About summons, think about them as passive dps, you cast them and never care a thing anymore.
Hope this helps!

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