Tree of Savior Forum

iToS Unfair Items

The only real problem I have with these cubes is the C tier. WTF mate 1 hour movespeed potion? Get out of here. I actually have a problem with any of the consumables really even the Shining Anvils and gem abrasive. Consumables should come as a bonus to the permanent items or not at all imo.


I really canā€™t undestand why every single game do thisā€¦iā€™m quite old in RPGs and in every single one there was a sistem based on ā€œluckā€ and you have to spend a lot to try get something and sometimes you get horribles prizes like potions or gems.

If you want us to buy itens from cash at least use the same promotions like, if at KToS we pay 100TP for a cube that has 100% chance to get a visual, put the same cube with the same chances, itā€™s kinda ok if itā€™s a little more expensive, but please stop using different promotions depending on the serverā€¦

We complain a lot, we know that, but we complain cuz itā€™s not fair some servers have different promotions. Now all this costumes provide no status, but what if in the future all costumes can be enhanced with something like enchant scroll? And what if custom X (from ā€œunluckyā€ cube) can have more status than Y (from exchange medals)? No one can say that this system will never happenā€¦ And then everyone will start to complain like usā€¦


We should not buy the Cube and wait for these costumes to be available at the Exchange Shop. Thatā€™s the only way IMC can realize this kinda thing is really hurting us.


Given how frequent our blessed cubes/leticia cubes has been lately, Whales are willing to aimlessly throw money at the screen.

People already wanted to fight against blessed cube the first time it was released, but nothing happened, doubt anything will happen this time, sadly.

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I hope that IMC Learns that soon! I let my money do the talking and i think everyone should do it too.

A few months back, i would spend 100 US dollars in the game every month. But iā€™m fed up with these boxes.

IMC, i hope youā€™ll learn soon that a lot of players are up to spend even a little more with items but no a single nickel with this crappy boxes.

My money is waiting for your move.

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Imc, if you want us here, please pay attention. Itā€™s not because we are Brazilians that we have to take different chances in the game to get items in the TP shop. If I could buy the wedding clothes for TP, I would have bought TP, since we didnā€™t have that chance I didnā€™ buy TP. Itā€™s simple.


Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

So yea, I saw the korean video of the wedding dress cube pack guaranteeing a wedding dress and didnā€™t think twice, I bought 300 TP. Waited anxiously for the cube, surprise surprise gacha cube. I had the TP anyway so I bought the pack of cubes. I got FOUR rank A in the animation, I was so happy, one of them had to be the dress, right? Wrong, 4 gem abrasive. Since then I wonā€™t buy anymore gacha cubes, no matter how hard I want the costume.

Iā€™ve been waiting for gothic dress for ages, and for my surprise (haha right) gacha cube again, so no. I wonā€™t buy, I wonā€™t spend anymore money on RNG. Everybody should do the same, so next time IMC will think twice before trying to make us buy more and more TP to get a freaking costumeā€¦ I understand Leticiaā€™s cube was a really nice deal, but for cosmetics? Oh no, Iā€™ll pass.

And Iā€™m starting to feel my investiment on this game is going to waste, really. Iā€™m not those crybabies who think since they put money on the game they should be treated like kings but I feel IMC is not giving us the proper attention to our complaints and isnā€™t doing that much to fix and compensate when we report issues, like instances kicking players out right before the start and making us losing the entry that is going on for 2 weeks now and nothing was done about it and no replies to.


They do a lot of money with those cubes, and that is why they will never change in here. I agree with you that our system is really unfair. The kToS and jToS servers have a lot of pack with the costume they want to buy, meanwhile some people in here buy 2000TP to only get trash. Unfortunately, our system is the worst by now. I donā€™t know why they just put the costume in the TP shopā€¦ Tons of people ask for this change in the facebook page and forum, and they always ignore it. IMC is a big joke.


IMCā€™s silence is the worst.


Itā€™s really sad that the only choice that we have to buy these costumes be the boxes, i already stopped from buying these cubes because iā€™m very unlucky and is a lot of money for nothing


The brazilian comunitty is planning a boycott of this new cubes. We dont get at last a pack like in the others servers. Since IMC dont hear our voice, I guess theyā€™ll hear our money. I propose that you ALL join us in this BOYCOTT. Make IMC hear our demand.


Iā€™ll be fine with them needing to get more $ by selling such cubes if iToS receive periodic updates just like kToS.

Some updates which should be easy to do like Taoistā€™s paper costs can be updated via weekly updates without needing to wait until that super big patch.


Is it really only iToS that have this problem?, on my country local server only some specific class costumes and cockatrice costume that is in the TP shop. Well we still lack of the updates, so I canā€™t compare too much.

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I bought some clothes when they were sold directly at the TP Shop. In the current system, I feel no desire. Gacha is bad even for the market, as the unwanted items end up filling the market and its prices fall. Itā€™s not healthy.

When you have money and want clothes, do you go to a store and buy the clothes you want, or do you participate in a lottery? Of course, the first option. Lottery makes sense if you are wanting to earn some valuable item, like those of Leticiaā€™s Secret Cube. This gacha makes sense. Is it really necessary to have two types of gacha running at the same time in Tree of Savior?


@STAFF_Yuri @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Letitia

Bought 1 time only since Beta.
That cube is unfair, Iā€™d rather pay silver than money in the game.

I canā€™t handle 15kk in a costume because I canā€™t direct-buy with TP.
No more RNG for costumes please.

Nice logic, this is in game case though.

The point is: iToS ONLY HAVE GACHA. The others servers arent limited by this only option.
Join us on boycott.


Itā€™s totally messed up that we have to pay for gachas with a ridiculous RNG (if any) when kToS and jToSā€™s players just have to buy whatever cloth/pet/etc they want. It kinda grind my gears that iToS is being left behind as the one they use to milk the cash cow. This seriously has to stop. Iā€™d appreciate if the GMs could respond here, since now I know Iā€™m not the only one pissed at them having us buying stupid cubes/boxes to get trash items, itā€™s breaking the gameā€™s economy since so few people have got the wedding dresses and whatnot they can price it howerver they want to, which kinda makes ToS a Pay to Win game. Whoever spends more money has more chance to get expensive stuff to sell and buy items like 2-prac weps. (or stuff themselves with tokens in hope that one day the price will skyrocket so they can earn even more money).

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Gacha is a cash grab, a way for they to get money easily and make us suffer.
I only bought it one time, i didnt get what i wanted and i never put my money on this game again.