Tree of Savior Forum

iTOS popularity by country (Steam stats)

I think BRL20 is cheap but, lots of my friends are saying it’s expensive and most of them spent lots of money in either games, action figures and others things, why not 20 to play a cool game together???
That surely pisses me off.

The majority of players is SA with brazilians included.
They should put a SA server asap for better ping even before the EU server given the preferece by players in SA region

There’s more people in Europe who play this game than in SA.

Look at the stats. If you get a bad ping from only Brazil to NA then that’s the fault of your ISP not of distance. I can connect to NA servers and I am further away than you are and my ping is much lower.

Complain to your ISP.

20.95% Latin America = 20 203 (17.02% Brazil = 16 413).

We are doomed


so this is more like a chart of people who were stupid enough trying to play the game before it actually released, sorted by stupidity.

(just kidding ofcourse :stuck_out_tongue: no offense)

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I guess am in other xD

‘‘It is the same price as a burger’’ But burgers from ‘‘MCdonalds’’ is not cheap here. ‘=’

omg who is the guy in the right of that picture the tall one with black hair and is tan

i think if IMC announce EU server, we have more EU players =\

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itsnt 25 dollars he’s wrong if you convert to 1.1 it turns to 91.90 dollars

pfff in my country 9$dollars is on month of work… VENEZUELA :smiley:

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According to my sources, pope Francis is going YOLO Barb.



We need to warn him!

He will complain to his superior …


Anyways. vatican is more then the chruch people.
There’s normal people there too.
And even religious people, want to have some fun with such a game. If they’re in the age range. Where they could have enjoyed RO or other mmorpgs.

Wouldn’t be surprised to see people playing as Celrics.
Holding messes ingame (three religions till now that i had seen~).
Have seen that already. Was even fun.
They had ingame voice servers … so only with cha tit would be hard xD.

Just for giggles, if everyone bought the $9.99 pack only, with the above figure of “96,438”, it would be a $963,415.62 for IMC. But… wasn’t it something like 60% of their sales or something were the $49.99 packs? I can’t recall, but if it is around 60%, and we say the rest got the $9.99 pack, that would be 2892561.37 + 385366.25 for a total around $3,277,927.62 USD (not including the currency conversions via steam).

Not a bad little jump-start for an international F2P launch.

Hopefully they use a part of that to hire an in-game GM or two lol


I am really scared. I can already imagine spam in Portuguese, Spanish, Deutsche, Russian and French, people using these languages always spam the most and don’t respect anyone. We are doomed.

So we have 4 servers for 32% of the players, while the remaining 68% should simply deal with it. Yeah so, who thought that having only NA servers is good?

thats why they should have done Steam server for Brasil, now everybody will play the iTOS =) cus nobody will lose everything just to start over in BR server,

and BR server will be full of kids cus who would pay will be in iTOS

I don’t have anything against Brazilians as people, but I really do hope they get their own server so they aren’t spamming NA ones, I don’t want the chat flooded with a language I can’t understand…