Tree of Savior Forum

iTOS, Cleric branches that need a buff/rework July-August 2017

Greetings from orsha, the point of this thread its to share our colective opinions on wich “cleric” circles are The most underwhelming ones at the moment and for instance the ones that need to get buffed or reworked in some way to make them more viable.

The general idea of this poll its to vote for the classes that you think need a buff the most, also you can explain your reasoning in the comment section if you want. The structure of this post its an idea borrowed from other games, where the company releases the same kind of polls during various seasons of the year to collect information and listen to their playerbase. This also can help us to share our opinions in a more structured way. If this idea its succesful i’ll create a poll on the swordsman, wizzard, and archer threads as well, if not, i’ll just leave it as a suggestion for the future.

Before you vote:

  • Each person has 3 votes, that’s for us to show a few clases that we think need to be reworked instead of just 1.

  • Please keep in mind both aspects PVP and PVE.

  • Future patches from KR should be taked into account as well.

  • Be polite, respect others opinions, this is a space to share our ideas, if we want someone to take us serious we need to learn to respect each other.

  • Feel free to suggest a new title for the topic, as well as other suggestions to improve this idea.

With all of that out of the way, here we go.

  • Cleric
  • Priest
  • Kirivis
  • Bokor
  • Dievdirbys
  • Sadhu
  • Paladin
  • Monk
  • Pardoner
  • Chaplain
  • Druid
  • Oracle
  • Miko
  • Plague Doctor
  • Kabbalist
  • Inquisitor
  • Taoist

0 voters


Krivis and Taoist feel so extremely underwhelming since the rebalance patch it’s actually upsetting, and the sad thing is that it wasn’t even a popular build in the first place.

I would like to see Zaibas a 12 second cooldown with roughly 120% matk at lvl 15 or a 24 second cooldown with roughly 240% matk.

Funny thing is when it was 333% on ktest for a week it was strong but not incredibly overpowered with its 30 second cooldown and with storm calling getting nerfed from 500% to 200%.

Taoist got some nice changes recently on ktos with its Talisman price reduction so now we can spam without breaking bank. However the damage is still too low on Creeping Death, no level scaling on Tri Disaster and no Enhancement attributes for any Taoist skills other than the trigger effects.

However Taoist is a rank 9 class and things may change with future circles.


Taoist doesn’t feel that awful O.O

It’s just super expensive on talismans… but It’ll get better with lower talisman cost… eventually.

Creeping Death has a very good dmg against bosses and it’s super strong with Transmit Pranah + Blessing. Damage doesn’t scale that much but amount of hits do. Tri Disaster may not have skill scaling but the damage is high enough. Damage attributes could be added though, I agree with you.

I voted for Kabba and Oracle because those classes are useless in PvM. They may be strong in PvP but I hate the idea of PvP-only classes. So in short, I believe they need rebalancing.

And of course, Krivis. Krivis are horrible atm. Buggy Zaibas and Melstis which are the core skills of the class…


Taoist isn’t that bad, and it only has one circle out at the moment.
That’s personally why I didn’t choose it.
I’m waiting to see if it’ll truly be more support though (more ways to buff the party ?) or stay in a weird position.

Oracle is really not that great. Sure it’s great in PvP, sure Prophecy and Counterspell are amazing… but that’s all. The best skills are circle 1 skills, and only 2 skills out of 11.
Some of the other skills can be useful, but they’re mostly situational, and they’re a bonus, they don’t actually bring much. They aren’t worth investing into the class.

Kabbalist is a weird class. Ein Sof and R7 are amazing, especially in PvP, but that’s it. That’s seriously it. Sure when my quest is “kill 25 mobs” I enjoy cloning to make it faster, but that’s about it.
I hope Kabbalist 3 will bring something truly worth it, real support, real buffs, or even a real attack, because so far it’s too underwhelming.

Pardoner is just at a terrible position at the moment. They greatly reduced how good IMDEF was (even though it was balanced, nothing OP), which pretty much turned Pardoner into a “profit only” class.
Then again, seeing the Master, maybe it was their actual goal.
And while its two attacks aren’t bad, they’re way too expensive for what they are.

There’s also Krivis who just lacks something. It’s not only Zaibas’ damages, it’s the class overall. Its buffs aren’t terrible, but most of the time they’re not worth taking over something else.


krivis are awfull, poor dmg and low utility, 3 ranks only for melstis, which not only is situational but also bugged atm

oracle is lackluster ( rank 6 and all skills are “meh”, simply not worth it, speacilly that far on the build.

and dievdirby are in a similar position to krivis at my opinion, only damaging skill is quite awfull post-patch, and its utility is meh… could be a lot better, especially if owl get really buffed, with propper scalling and lower cd.

also, i know that priests are in a great spot right now, but would be awfull of me to ask for some int scalling on blessing back? :grimacing:

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I chose Kriv first because it pretty much sucks right now.

Oracle for the same reason.

Bokor because all my chars are zombokors and Ive been wanting a buff on zombies since last year. Also, July 16 was the 1 year anniversary of IMC ■■■■■■■ up minion AI and causing them to only be able to have a few of them be able to attack a single enemy. I have 21 zombies and it is infuriating to see 5 attack the lone enemy and the rest doing nothing.

Reduce the CD of Aukuras, increase the range of the hp regen effect, give a ratio based on SPR or CON -> thank you IMC.

Thanks everyone for sharing your opinions and voting as well, its not a surprise to me that kirivis its currently on 1st place since the rebalance patch hurt him the most, and to this day it has remained untouched, even the zaibas bug has not been fixed yet wich is very anoying.

I also have to agree with @mrshadowccg about this

Oracle and kabba are most used in PvP, but PvE wise they are not that good, and im being nice tbh.

This its true as well, i wish we could sell MDEF buffs as well, also lets not forget that aspersion buff from pardoner its bugged and the DEF increase actually gets lower when chaning maps (idk why), i just tested this today and yep, didnt knew about that sadly. (Unless its a visual thing only wich i havent tested yet)

I think the combat rebalance introduced a HUGE overkill to some interactions, like tao-kirivis, miko-diev and pyro-linker. I agree that owl damage its nothing impresive atm, and not worth it IMO and even when Ausrine its very good in pvp i think they could buff owls a little bit.

Well i hope more people keep voting and sharing their toughts, also reason for no adding all classes at the same time its for people to actually have enough time to comment and vote about clerics first, when also trying to get some feedback as well.

My votes, in order:

Krivis: Everyone said it already, but yeah. Poor dps with Zaibas, bugs bugs and bugs. I’m currently leveling Krivis 3 and it’s a bit of a struggle.

Oracle: The class is limited to PvP, most skills are useless, and the gender switch shop feels random in there. Sure, it’s cool, but doesn’t make much sense to me, and that’s pretty much the only reason to go c3.

Pardoner: Used nly for shops, and even that I don’t like. The way Pardoner buffs work make them a must for party play, you either have to get it or be number 5 on dps. No other choice. I don’t feel like this is healthy, and it makes priests only useful for when you pardoner blessing runs out, and to ress. Pardoner is a class that changes the way the entire game is played, in a way that you must get its buffs to do damage on par to other people, and that’s not good game design.


Comeon now. Its a shopkeeper. Else next you will say, Make alch missile on alchemist 2000% mod bcz they can’t dps or squire getting something similar.

My first sentence relates that the class having some gampleay utility would be good, but that’s it. This is not my main point, and why I think the class needs a rework. The real point I’m trying to make here, to which I dedicated most of my comment, is not that I don’t like the way Pardoner currently is because it’s a pure shop class, I don’t like the way it is because what it sells is pretty much mandatory and tips the balance of the game in a way I don’t consider healthy.

Pardoner blessing is a must in any sort of PvE party play, and that’s not fun nor interesting. It’s simply not fun to be forced to buy blessing all the time. You can argue that you are not literally required to do so, but try to go into a dungeon without blessing and you’ll deal 0 damage compared to everyone else, and that’s quite demoralizing.

The way Pardoner buffs work influence the game in a far greater spectrum than an optional shop service should. Needless to say, that’s my opinion, naturally.

A possible solution would be to make the buff not have a hit limit, but add way less damage increase, and stackability with the same buffs if cast by someone in your party. Like, pardoner blessing adds 400 damage to each hit at max level, lasts for 60 minutes, and if a priest casts blessing while in your party, it just adds up. I don’t know, just brainstorming here.


Classes that need a buff are Kabbalist (because it’s a Rank 7 Class and so bad compared to Plague Doctor; IMC promised to rebalance same-Circle Classes so that the Class distribution among the same Rank [e.g. Kabbalist and Plague Doctor, Druid and Oracle, Monk and Pardoner] are roughly the same [= ~50/50 ratio]),
Oracle (because it’s a Rank 6 Class with horribly performing skills; it’s also so bad compared to Druid) and Pardoner (basically just a buff shop/scroll maker with a basic use for Plague Doctors to make its debuffs having ~100% uptime).

Although Krivis is in a bad spot, it didn’t make it into the top 3 because it still has useful skill effects and Daino.

Taoist is so awesome, I don’t know how it could even get some votes. Creeping Death Charm at level 16 will have a potential damageoutput of ~12000% per overheat (=~36000% every 33 seconds), not taking into account additional damage… If that skill ever recieves a damage attribute, i doubt there will be a stronger skill in this game.

Alchemistic Missile already is at 1734% per overheat (i.e. 5202% every 18 seconds).
Alchemist is the last Class I want someone to say that deals no damage.
Kabbalists Merkabah only deals half the damage with twice the CD time(=1/4 the DPS potential of a golden iconed Class)…

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for me classes that need a buff heres a list: (#1 is most in need of a buff)(taking in consideration ktos patches)

  1. Krivis
  2. Oracle
  3. Paladin
  4. Kabbalist
  5. Dievdirbys
  6. Bokor
  7. Taoist
  8. Miko
  9. Pardoner
  10. Druid
  11. Cleric
  12. Inquisitor
  13. Priest
  14. Chaplain
  15. Sadhu
  16. Plauge Doctor

in my opinion, 13 - 16 should actually be nerfed, 9-12 are balanced (druid is terrible in itos but in ktos its fine i think) and 6-8 need a buff, and 1-5 need a Mega buff

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How about “insert class name here” also available for another role but to do that it need to sacrifice the old role.

but well that is not a design of this game.



opinion discarded

Oracle is the only counter right now to some of the dumbest bullshit in the game, and has PVE utility too.

Krivis was nerfed into the ground, and has virtually no DPS left and its utility is incredibly niche (moreso than oracle).
Paladins have absolutely no role that any other cleric class can’t do better.
Druid is extremely redundant and the things which make it unique are incredible badly designed and frustrating to play.

I’m curious to what oracles counter?

Also, pallys have amazing utility, they just got screwed because barrier can be made as a scroll… like krivis (tough krivis got hit hard by bugs and zaibas nerf)

All magic.

So, all the most annoying PVE content and all the most annoying things people will throw at you in PVP, including revenged sevenfold. Also knocks off any debuffs you have when cast upon you (except black death stream).

It also is not broken by boss skills which break all ground effects.

Also prophecy is still pretty damn good, and twist of fate in its current state hits like a bus after the stat rework.

You can also make farming for a couple ridiculous low drop rate items less ridiculous (Manahas), and can kill bots and afk farmers all day.

Kabbalist has less DPS than Krivis and the utility is even more niche than Krivis does currently if we consider the Krivis having at least level 11 Zaibas and a higher damage attribute level (which is reasonable as Merkabahs damage attribute costs a lot of silver to increase, level 70 Merkabah costs as much as level 89 Zaibas).

Merkabah level 6 damage = 2700% (6350%+6100%),
Zaibas level 11 damage = 2460% (15*82) *1,095 (the 19 additional attribute levels for the same $$$) = 2693%[level 16 Zaibas = 3591%]. If we consider that Zaibas has more hits (thus induces more damage with buffs like Blessing/Transmit Prana) and less CD time (30 seconds vs Merkabahs 35 seconds), the DPS of Krivis is still higher as a Rank 2 Class than the Rank 7 Kabbalist.

Also, the buffs&debuffs of Krivis are not depending so much on the enemytype as the ones of Kabbalist. Double Chance, Reduce Level and Clone all depend heavily on the database names of the monster, since you can only get small numbers on both calculation skills if the name has certain properties (sometimes you even get 0 or 1 which makes the DoubleChance and Clone skill unusable on the target).

There’s also the issue of the debuffs/and buffs currently not being durable (i.e. they run out before they are off CD), Double Chance lasting 15 seconds (35 secs CD), Clone lvl 6 lasting anywhere from 8 to 15 seconds (73 secs CD), Reduce Level lvl 6 lasting 16 seconds (35 secs CD), Ein Sof level 11 lasting 53 seconds (60 secs CD).

Meanwhile, Krivis has 100% uptime on most of his buffs/debuffs , e.g. Aukuras at level 3, Zalciai from level 1 onwards(both the buff and the debuff effects), Daino from level 1 onwards. Divine Stigma is pretty close to 100% uptime.

All in all Krivis is still in a better situation than Kabbalist.
The best argument to support this is that the amount of Krivis-players was way higher than the amount of Kabbalist-players. People didn’t even consider Kabbalist as a viable Class to begin with, that’s why they experienced the “nerf” of Krivis way more than the still badly designed Kabbalists overall flaws.

Paladin is also in a considerably good position in comparison to Kabbalist, as he also features more damageoutput and utility (especially Barriers protection and magic defence boost) with the incoming attribute for 2handed maces.


All clerics should be actually nerfed. Period.

fellow cleric player

All clerics should be actually nerfed. Period.

fellow cleric player

They have all been since the rework… multihit damages arent as destructive as before… and diev turns into support circle because owl gave too little damage as it doesnt scale with INT anymore.

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