Tree of Savior Forum

Item drops do not appear (especially dungeons)

Bug Description :
Item drops do not appear sometimes.

I usually only encounter this problem with dungeon cube drops wherein I have to really walk around randomly until the cube prompts in my inventory. Honestly, it scares me a lot and gives me a heart attack every time.

Witnessed the same problem with a gem drop in Drill Ground of Confliction, but it’s a bit different. It popped up from the monster but when it landed it disappeared.

I checked with other players I run with and even my friends, they do get this item display problem. Some of them never get their cubes. :frowning:

Same here… I have to dance a lot to find where the cube goes. Maybe it happens due some graphyc reduction that we made, but i’m pretty sure that if so, it shouldn’t…

Hi @forestoflotus Sorry for the late response. Our dev team are currently looking to this issue.