Tree of Savior Forum

Item Awakening Update

So I just asked in game if there is any updated list with all awakening effect and got 2 awnsers.

  1. No.
  2. Awakening is now random, no fixed effect.

So its true its random now? Just wanting to doble check mainly! (making choices for equips!)

If it really is random i hope they change it back to fixed, theres already the other thing for “lottery” and i cant imagine myself or other using 1 durability on a high end gear for a random effect… (that may very well not be worth it)

Yes, it’s random now.
For more details

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so acording to that list, a mana mana would be on line 38.
crit rate would fall in “atack” or other stat?
pd: its too random imo…

Random stat min-max value from that line.

So you’re rewarded for your efforts with a lottery.

A lottery that gives reason to more cash shop related items.

Which ultimately leads to an increase in pay to win.


Might as well start just selling weapons and armour in the cash shop at this rate.

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This bit is odd to me, they’re talking about awakening via alchemist, there’s no cash shop related here.

The cash shop comes in with the RNG of the stats.

Items to increase the chances of certain stats, items that give specific stats during awakening and items that randomize awakening again if the current stats aren’t wanted.

As far as I know, there’s no items in the cash shop like this, unless you mean the scrolls for hats/accessories. Those can also be found in dungeons.

Awakening for gear is still limited to only alchemists, not a cash shop related thing.

I agree with this. I have not seen anything about that and I’ve thoroughly lurked any information that has been dropped here in the past few months.

Can you link what you’ve found that we haven’t @rhedewayhke? Or is this a theory of yours?

They did add golden anvils (will probably add them to shop later) to upgrade weapon even if it has 0 potential left. They might add similar items for awakening and bricketing later. Everything that has random and finite attempts on equipment upgrade can and eventually will be monetized. The most logical (and easy) way - cash shop item that will restore 1 potential when used on equipment but then players will whine about P2W. They may even add those items to drop ingame but with abyssmal rates to calm down the crowd.

You won’t see those potential-restores in the CS anytime soon (Revenue would have to significantly drop so they’d have to resort to them), if ever. Even if they still drop in-game, Costume Awakenings and an item that lets you +40 all your gear as long as you have $$$, is a whole diff’ story-- they know a noticeable amount of people would split so it’ll be saved until the game reaches a point where the damage would be minimum.

@rhedewayhke What’s with the negative monetization theorycrafting anyway. That should be saved for after the company makes bad decisions, not before. (TRADE LOCKED BEHIND TOKEN USERS DOESN’T COUNT-- I CALLED IT EARLY, NO ONE CAN USE IT NOW)

Token users can direct trade with other token users again with some limitations:
up to 30 trades per month(token duration)
no silver or silver related items (golden bars) are allowed to be traded.

I’m aware; I was stating that it’s locked behind Token users (Meaning only Token users can use it), when it should be available from the start with all of those limitations still present.

They did add golden anvils, but they are still not cash shop related, so its irrelavant.

Based on the interview they had awhile back, they mentioned they won’t ever add gear enhancement tools to the cash shop (although they did add cosmetic awakening tools).

So long as they don’t go back on their word there, I don’t see an issue.

When and if they do go back on their words, and add something like that into the cash shop, we can complain, but I see no reason to now.

what about the potentials?