Tree of Savior Forum

It works cryo/chro/ench Full CON, Supp?
Full CON

Lightning hands is a self buff, well it still works for the 20% damage debuff, but unreliable vs mobs

for a support i prefer
ccsage1ench1 for enchant lightning+stormcalling interaction
ccsage1sorc1 for +5aar, -6sec sp recoverytime, and infinite aggro

btw challenge mode is still 5mins vs mobs and less than a min vs boss. i still consider mobs are where we need support the most

I find enchant earth more useful than missile hole but it’s just my opinion.
CON is fine, even if you will need a good staff or rod to deal damage with lightening hands, but if your aim is to be 100% supportive you want audra staff

If your character is made for challenge mode more than ET the sage1sorcerer versione above is interesting.

Care to elaborate how enchant earth is more useful than missile hole? i see its only 15% block rate while for missile hole, half of mobs are magic/archer.

Yeah enchanter2 is gets better by having good weapon (not audra) and enhanced and transcended.
btw with sacrament, enchant fire+lightning, total of 2000 elemental attack and 2000 blessing, attacking 3 chunk of ice wall is better than autoattacking lightning hands with less than ~4800 matk (rough calculation). reaching 4800 matk for a full con wiz needs like +11 trans5 350 weapon, quite costly if the aim is only for support, not sub-dps.

but in the end its up to what you build your class for >.<

Enchant earth is a 300 seconds buff and make shield-less chars capable of blocking physical and missile attacks, that’s it.
I like missile hole too but it last 16 hits and has 60 seconds CD, i know it can blocks Magic missile too and that may be better is some maps.

I was editing my post because i don’t know how much his build is support focused. If he want to be a 100% support character he may choose other path than ench2 as you wrote but if he want to go a hybrid with a more active role without audra he can with Ench2.

Pretty importante edit: @Abacaxi about “Stop” skill, it’s fine if you are doing ET but please do not use it in challenge mode,

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Enchant Earth is a limitless block count across 5min, but with 15% of chance (25% eventually in C3).
It also synergy with Subzero Shield, so whatever physical damage you blocked have chance to freeze enemies.
Not to mention the reflected damage also will work with froster lord card to further enhance the role of Block-Freeze as a tanker.

Then, you are a full CON build, this works more perfect with more Block Damage.
The best shield you can use is Emengard Shield, with more CON and +8% of block chance making it +23% of block chance.

I would say quite fun to play, but sadly this game PvE doesn’t need a full tank player.
Maybe upcoming GvG this build will have more use.

At the moment, full CON full support build will not give you any satisfaction in the gameplay since you are not actually needed, and you also can’t do anything useful alone (even questing, except u hv a T5 weapon). I also advise beginners to at least go hybrid support-dps, which in your case at least full INT/full DEX for the Enchanter DPS-ing

Does Enchant earth give a block effect with shields though? The skill text mentions blocking without a shield.

What do you think it’s better Full INT or Full DEX?