Tree of Savior Forum

It is NOT TOTALLY SYNCED krToS patches

missing 4 patches like:

  • character cards system
  • 5 map quests (kaleijaimas visiting room to investigation room)
  • transcend repair npc
  • 4x exp tome, 8x exp tome

so, rank 8 haha, dream on guys, dream on… i was very right on this. you will never get same pace with krToS.

EDIT1: add one more missing patch
EDIT2: add another one missing patch

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Rank 8 has come out in ktos? As far as I can see it hasn’t so you “might” be right, but you’re not a this point. (Just pointing that out) No one can really say what’s going to happen but we are a little behind ktos which compared to where we were, we just pushed the fat kid out of the way to get cake. So I’m happy either way.

(Personally idc if we are right on par. They still want to use ktos as a testing ground, that’s fine with me as long as we DO get the patches in a relatively timely matter)

no, if you ever read my last post (other thread). i was saying people quite putting hopes on the same pace with krToS but infact i said it will never. from RO1 to RO2 until now, never.

Well, I fear op may be totally right in that.

I read your last post, even responded to it. I never figured we would be on par, but I also don’t care about it. Just not that big of a deal. ktos patches aren’t going to save ToS but they’re nice to look forward to. But as I stated, we may not be butt-buddies with ktos, be we sure jumped up in the line of waiting.

this one i would agree. well, they (korean fcking folks) never prioritize us for the first release. the white mice is always on either korea or japan.

We are roughly on par with kToS as of… 4-6 weeks ago. Changes made to kToS since then are not present. This puts things in a weird position, because it actually changes skills like steady aim, hangmans knot, joint penalty, and frost cloud to the pre-nerfed ktos versions, even though iToS and present kToS both had then modified.


Also made ridiculous changes like this one below.

Well it seems like the obvious thing to do right?

kToS is bi-weekly patches right now, we are not.

If we got everything, then we’d have no more content for like another month (translating and kToS bi-weekly content).

If we get content weekly, we’ll catch up to kToS on it’s bi-weekly schedule till new content is delivered.

Why give us everything and then let the game dry up again for another month or so?

jesus christ, so thats what you were getting at lmao

man please imc let this be intentional until the next patch (or until PL works “correctly”)

Well sort of, it’s only really debuffs that retained the kToS status from 4ish weeks ago, so things like skyliner are still the iToS version, etc etc.

That’s probably going to get fixed during this hotfix maint.

The important question is: KR didnt get the nerf on instanced dungeon/daily missions entrance number, so, can we get the “up to 5” entrances per day already?


Also increased Silver from full runs. Imc should implement this ASAP.

It’s a norm that the Korean server gets their own luxury more than ours. Hell even getting this major change patch was like 4 months of waiting.

One thing still saddens me is that they still didn’t remove the trading restrictions, market limit, and all.

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Something like Card System is still being tested on kTOS so they doesn’t imply it here yet. Yeah, we don’t have a full kTOS patch but this update is good enough for many players. Please stop trying to cry. So childish. :mask:

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lol, read before shoot. well you don’t even read, you only care to shoot but bad try :smiley:

Trust me, you don’t want us to be synced with krTOS.

Being fully synced opens the flood gate to countless more bugs without any known fix, and some of them might be game breaking, which would ask for result in rollbacks and…a lot of other stuffs…(Bans for bug abuse/currency glitches destroying the economy etc…)

While kToS is still the original server, you should also realize Korean players see themselves as beta testers of some sort, regardless of how long the game has been out. (and that applies to more than just ToS)

In fact, a lot of features are released and get entirely rebalanced next week, if not removed from the game until a further notice in case they have game breaking bugs that can’t be fixed right away.

I don’t mind being 1~2months behind of KR if you ask me, the faster we are trying to catch up the more bugs & maintenances we’ll be getting during the process.

In absolutely no time IMC said the servers would be synchronized in terms of updating.

Totally agree with this. To add on, this is why most Korean based games have test servers open to the public(?).

Not all of them, very few Korean games have actual test servers, I know a game that took 7 years before they open a test server…Its as if they naturally consider the main server as test server (or simply can’t afford to deal with both, as I said kMMOs are somewhat low budget projects based on poor coding most of the time, they care more about attracting customers using graphics, which is a thing they are pretty good at).