Tree of Savior Forum

Is Wizard class is necessary?

I have Wizard 3 circles at level 64. I think it’s very weak, skill damage very low, lag of aoe skill, although I have earthquake but it’s very useless for higher level. Energy bolt it’s okay but does damage to monster just only 3 target and also magic missile it has pretty high damage but cannot use for leveling or farming because when you use to mob in will separate to different target though I already lock target it fly to nearby monsters.(Fix this please!!!)
So I think this class’s rank should to improve some ability of damage skill or increase damage more (it will be better if can change damage to% because every low rank skills from every classes have very low damage and useless at high level).
It’s really hard to level and fight with boss. On the other hand, Cleric skill does more damage when fighting with boss and easy to level more than wizard class. Maybe wizard class is not necessary anymore cleric can does high damage and also can heal other players.

Ps. I choose this path because at rank 4 I want to play elementalist because of elementalist’s skill have a long casting time. So, I want skill from wizard master skill’s rank to reduce some casting time. But it’s really hard to level and doing quest to be Elementalist. Does anyone here playing Wizard 3 circle same as me? :confused:

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I decided myself that wizard was underpowered and also underhealthed. at level 40 i was 900 health and swordsmen had like 7,000 health. They are also doing more damage than I was. Once I moved to linker I was doing great in a party. moved from level 40 to 60 in like ~4 hours, with extra thanks to the level 46 exp drop. You just gotta make it to a job that has better skills. instead of going 3 circles in wizard you should have switched to linker after circle 2 for the joint penalty skill, yo. Then move to elementalist and hit them with that meteor… best plan I can think of.

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Have a W3. Yeah they’re horrible damage wise. Wiz feels more like a support/utility than a damage dealer. But what makes W3 great is the skills you can carry over to the next class which will probably be you main damage dealing class. Sleep, shield, sure cast, and quick cast makes the super horrible grind worth it imo.

But the grind is still super super super bad. I ended up playing with my Krivis friend and doing the mob gathering with my shield for him hahaha.

TDLR you level W2/3 for their great utility skills, as a offset their offensive skills are ■■■■. TIP: get pyro on first advancement then go back to getting W2/3. It will delay your elementalist by a rank but it will make your solo grind more bareable.

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Wizard Circle 3 is simply terrible to grind up, but once you get your other three ranks you’ll be a monster for sure. It’s the getting there that’s the hard part.

Also keep in mind the exp rates for iCBT2 are a LOT higher than what they’ll be in live. So… yeah. Fight on brother.

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Thinking when the game release with the correct xp the amount of wizards will be reduced

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we are on the correct XP now aren’t we? we’re set to the same as Korean betas. I think the wizard classes are just kinda sucky at the lower levels…

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Its the same as Korean beta, yeah, but these rates are actually extremely high. While I do think its fine if they keep it like this for live, CBT1 actually had MUCH lower experience rates than this.

Since its a beta test the exp rates are high so we reach all the high level content and find the bugs. Most likely they tune it down for live release.

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