Tree of Savior Forum

Is Wiz3 Cyro3 good?

Is Wiz3 Cyro3 good?
I’m not sure what to choose for r7 though, if this build is good or not.
For stat I might get con to 100 then full int.
I’ve played wiz3 ele3 and I don’t really like it because of the casting skills. But I really like the concept of magic missile (auto target and split missiles), so I was wondering what should I get after wiz3.

Guys, can you tell me why is Cyro is bad on DPS, is the skill not scale with INT?

Please advise.

anything but cryo 3.

Magic missile dmg clears an entire room when you get it but dmg falls off as higher class ranks become available. You can get Linker and MM becomes even better. Perhaps someone can recommend you a Wiz3 > Linker > ?? build since you love MM.

Even you put points in int? so MM will not be effective in above r7 or so?

Might work if you wanna to put a huge gamble on WL2 or new R8 class

If you like to put more int (damage dealer) dont choose Cryo 3, without special purpose

1 Magic Missile used directly after Hangman’s Knot with the AoE attribute does around 30k Damage each mob for me, I’m a level 228 Wiz3>Link2>Necro2

Can you advise which class is good with wiz3 beside ele?

Which stat did you invested?

70 Con 192 Int, level 5 MM with +30% attribute.

But the main meat is in the Flesh Cannon for Necro - I can do a good 90k+ damage on all linked mobs at the moment, plan to do more with adding more attributes… Buuuut…

It is VERY tedious to level up without someone carrying you till Rank 6-7.

+30% attribute from quick cast damage right? if yes why not up to +50%
which skill did you go for Wiz, the skill tree

Oh yah Quick cast +50% Matk too. 30% on MM attribute.

Can you share me your skill tree for ref?

Here you go. :slight_smile:

Thank you : ) , how’s necro btw? isn’t it scale with spr?

The Defense of Shoggoth scales with Spr, but at level 1 with no Spr, it deals very well with being hit.

Summon scale a bit with spr for a not worth it defense bonus
Your spell will profit alot more with int and just enoug con.
Btw the reason W3>Cryo3 is bad is simple
Cryo isn’t a dps class at all and quick cast attribut is great for Dps Spell.
Int is really bad on a cryomance also because 1 int = 1 damage/tick and cryomance Do a low amount of Tick/skill.
If you plan to play cryomancer 3 is either for setup mob zone/cc, or just going for a support build (Cryo/Chronomancer for exemple)
There also the boss killer Build Cryo/Kino Runecaster for Icewall combo that might be viable to get W3 with it.

wiz c3 can goes well with every other class but since it comes to cryo which is a cc class you will be jack of all trades master of none

you don’t up to psycho so you lack of cc lock in pvp
you don’t up to ele so you lack of dps and burst dmg

if you are fine with jack of all trades
you can build: wiz c3 > cryo c3 > warlock

something like this

Quick Cast Snow Rolling would like a word with you. Likewise, Ice Wall shards are based on your Magic Attack.

snow roll is an group mobs skill that provide utility , it’s cd is too long
the same with ice wall, it works as a burst dmg skill but without psychic pressure from psycho it dmg is not really great + long cd