Tree of Savior Forum

Is Wiz2-Kino3-Ele3 good?

Hello guys, i dont find any thread similar to this, so i have to ask you.
Do you think Wiz2-Kino3-Ele3 will be good in both PVE in PVP? i choose kino 3 because i heard that CC win the game in PVP, i also heard that ele3 will be good when combined with another CC. So, do you think this class has good synergy? Thanks before

Let me give you some damage formulas. Avg matk in tbl that you are going to have is 4000matk, given you are full con(+800 if full int, but are going to be easily killed by any skill if you dont go full con) and have like trans5 +16 2 practo weapon. Normal players have like above 5000mdef. Damage modifier because of mdef is log10(1+(matk/(mdef+1))^0.9)=0.25 in your case. And there is also an additional 70% damage reduction in PvP mode. So, lets say your skill deals like 10k damage against a popolion. Then, the same skill in PvP will deal:
10000 * 0.25 * 0.3=750 damage, so lets’ say the total damage is 15 times lower. An average player has like 50-100k hp.
See skill% modifiers here
Your fully chaged Meteor is like 30matk(22+attributes), so damage in tbl will be 4*30/15=8k damage in TBL.
Conclusion: forget to kill anyone without trans10 +16 staff and some support using only Elementalist skills.
Want to kill anyone? Go cleric(needs good playskill) or go play canoneer with high transcended weapon, it has much more % damage skills and has invisibility.
Otherwise - play as a support mage. Also, remember that Kino3 - Raise can easily be removed by Oracle1(every cleric in tbl has it, unless some pve build), by lancer, by canoneer and some others too. Also, all cc skills have been nerfed, they have full duration only first use and so on(look info on forum).

Thanks for your advice :D, so is it better just build a full damage dealer class ( like wiz3-ele3-warlock2 ) ?

Sadly, a wizard without at least psy2 or better psy3 is useless in TBL. It is like cleric without safety zone, heal and other immortalities. You are too easy to kill and you deal some mediocre damage, unless you have some over transed gear and solmiki robe (for 85 vit), but again - with such investment it is better to play cleric(this one ok with any gear, since it can full heal, revive, resurrect, make immortal and cc immune the whole party, being at the same time full con with no drawbacks) or canoneer. Your build is perfect for PvE though.

In other words … he is trying to tell you that playing with a PVP wizard is a waste of time.
If you like to play with wizard. I tell you the same thing.
Do like me, look for another game to play PVP, preferably a MOBA, where things are more balanced. I’m currently playing HoN. Heroes of Newerth.

I only play ToS in PVE and since I’m already with Solmiki Complete Set I have almost nothing to do. I only play the same events to have fun and I leave.

PVP for the wizard is ridiculous. Then play MOBA. Simple solution.