Tree of Savior Forum

Is Token at the Market Become Rarer in Your Server?

[SA] Silute:
2 Months ago there were always like, 10 or 15 tokens in the market, and the usual price was 2m~2.5… But idk why, they just started to disappear… Past month market was like 5~8 tokens at the 3.5m cap price, and now we need to check the market every hour for a single Token (at 3.5m ofc), and you must be lucky because it’s bought real quickly… I tought it was only in Silute, but now I see it’s happening on every server (although it looks like it’s better in Silute since some players actually still sell tokens and I don’t see that many players asking to buy it.

Many people went on a hiatus, like, I’m the last player in my Guild, and it was a famous one, cuz most of them migrated to another MMORPG or are waiting for new content to come, and not only my Guild but other ones as well are having this kind of problem


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