Tree of Savior Forum

Is this Steam achievement still obtainable?

I’ve been playing this game consistently for a long time, and as someone who cares about 100% completion of Steam titles, I need some help with the “We could do it… next time…” Achievement.

The tooltip states this is what I must do in order to obtain it:

“Fail to enhance at +15 with an Anvil (Enhancing with silver, golden, ruby, and diamond anvil does not count)”

I upgraded a Dunkel Falchion I bought from Dunkel (Klaipeda equipment merchant NPC) to +15 and successfully managed to fail the upgrade with a regular anvil to +16 and break the weapon, but the achievement didn’t pop for me (It already had zero potential when it failed, however, not sure if it makes a difference).

One thing I did notice was that despite using a regular anvil, when my character uses it, the sprite is named my character’s name’s “Goddess Anvil”, which I found weird, because I remember it used to be just a regular anvil sprite before.

I’d greatly appreciate if someone could help me out with this, it’s been quite the frustrating experience.

Here’s a picture of the Falchion and Anvil:

Thanks in advance!

Yes you need to use a regular anvil, not a goddess anvil. I have no idea why it would change to a goddess anvil if you use regular ones. You could try with the Practice Anvils you get from Vaidotas during the main story.

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Thank you for your reply, draconis!

I went through the whole Miners Village questline, and it seems Vaidotas isn’t giving or selling those practice anvils anymore.

I did have a practice anvil in a very old character in another server, though, and the same thing happened to it

Tried setting up a Golden anvil, and it didn’t change to anything else. I guess it’s just the regular/practice anvil sprite that got removed for some reason.

Again, thank you so much, but I think this might just be unobtainable for the time being. If you have any other suggestions, or ideas, feel free to share them with me. I highly appreciate it!