Tree of Savior Forum

Is this Gen Discussion or Swordsman forum?

??? :confused::confused::confused::confused:

  • General Discussion
  • Swordsman Discussion

0 voters

And if swordsman are still bad with R8, ill make sure to double the swordsman posts in Gen discussion forum


And have this taco too :taco:


People talk about what’s on their mind. Which happens to be the Swordman Class, because it’s the best and the most loved class in the game.

Or maybe it’s not. Just maybe. :wink:


i’m a swordie and i tired all of this :v if imc want swordman is shjt tier let them be i don’t care anymore

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DUUUDE ur name ise HUEHUEHUE looool

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this is the swordsman complaints dept

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General Discussion = Trash Can

throw everything in there even your brain…

who need that stuff am I rigdsgvsbk;e///

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-Others gets buffed>it’s full of bugs>trolls in forums
-Swordie gets buffed>it’s full of bugs>trolls harder in forums
-Others gets nerf>cry in forums
-Swordie gets nerf>cry louder in forums


ahh the circle of life

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Well, ther’s quite a big difference between discussing about what to do with swordsman and why the players don’t want swordsman around.

Swordsman balance is an issue and has been an issue for a while. You should expect people to bring it up. It’s the only way anything gets done around here, you spam about it until IMC notices.

Granted, so far they haven’t really addressed any balance concerns from the international version, and we don’t know what our Korean overlords are discussing.

Yep. That you can really count on me too

I will voice out my opinion untill imc reaches them and do something about it. Hopefully. Just like hitting a brick in my head lol

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Y dont OP apply as forum mod and do wut u want which is to get rid of them topics u seem butthurt about them posts huehuehuehue

If you notice the trend, it’s the swordsmen that has a lot to complain about so nothing surprising here.

Hope IMC realizes that as well and take action.

IMC takes action



thank you for calling swordsman complaint department have a great day

drops call

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