Tree of Savior Forum

Is this game worth getting into?

you see in real life you can easily ignore spammers like pebbles and trees. but in tos they can spam enough to drop your fps on your high end gaming rig. not only that, they are also very intrusive, they spam whisper your character. in real life you don’t see cult recruiters breathing by your shoulder.


The game is fun and caters to a bit of a niche audience at times. That being said, it’s perfectly enjoyable and I spend time in game every day. I highly encourage you to check it out after tuesday morning. We’re getting a big update, and it might be frustrating to get started now and then there be some problems with getting in after the update.

ToS IS a little on the buggy side but stuff is being updated and worked on. The GM/staff can be a little quiet at time but they are around here on the forums. I’d also think carefully about which server you choose, depending on your location as the cash shop (if you use it) currency is restricted by area rather than across all the servers. Trying to think of any other basic tips or anything. aaaaah.

Take everything you see on the forums with a heaping spoonful of salt. There’s a lot of very different opinions and most of the forum goers are very passionate about their viewpoint.

There’s a lot of flexibility for class and stats so I recommend looking into that for what seems fun. Don’t worry about the meta/endgame builds because the game’s not finished rolling out the level cap yet and builds are constantly changing (we’re getting more soon).

Have fun, ask questions and be friendly. ^_^a

The game is generally fun, but its much better to have a group of friends to play with. Its much more rewarding to play in a party (aside from the current party quest bug) and socializing with people. Try getting your friends in or start up a random conversation with someone, who knows that that person could be your reason of coming back into the game.

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If you don’t play it what you are doing in the forum?

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I don’t know about you, but actually i’ve made a LOT of friends ingame

It’s okay to try and learn by yourself. But if you have other games/stuffs to spend your time with, better leave this game. The game is not that impressive, it’s mostly upset and annoyed experience you’ll get.

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Yes we should tell new players to go away while we still playing the game. Whats so good abt this game. Continue playing…

if patience is one of your virtues, then yes.

First off, just gonna say this, all games are worth playing if they interest you.

Gaming in general is a cheap hobby.

With that, this game isn’t worth spending money on.

It’s completely buggy and unstable. It’s what you’d expect from playing late stage Alpha.

Late stage alpha games have game breaking bugs, memory leaks, massive FPS drops, skills that bug out/crash players, and just starting on gameplay design.

This is exactly where their game is today. Game breaking bugs that allow people to dupe and enhance gear. Massive FPS issues in certain zones, weapon swapping, more than 5 players on the screen.

Lots of skills still crash players or servers.

Then comes the RMT. IMC has decided to just penalize the players themselves, rather than those that RMT. You can easily buy money from RMT sites. You won’t get reported. The report functions in this game are turned off in order to support server stability.

RMT bots are not banned. There are 3 bots on Klapideia that have farmed over 250MM silver. IMC refuses to ban them.

Players are banned for botting though. A GM will come to your location and ban you.

Game is completely unplayable without addons, but thankfully there’s a great addon community.

The major thing is that IMC doesn’t look like the company to have the resources to fix those things. Which is standard korean practice for MMO’s. Just add in more content, more costumes, sex the game up, so that the players will forget about all the game breaking issues.

They’ve developed the Chinese MMO market way of thinking, which is develop, milk it, get investment back, move on to next thing.


if you looking for a game that you can play and stay for a long time
TOS will not be a good choice, since it contains tons of dump things that people mention above


The game it self is good.
The way IMC manage it could be better.

So yeah the game is worth playing you can have a lot of fun in it but just don’t ask to much from it, it’s just a little game

wow thats nice im lv220+ and still not in a guild.

Yes, its worth playing

Most of my characters are in their low 100’s and I still have friends and people to talk to all over the place. I try to be outgoing. Not always easy tho’. Used to be you could drop a campfire and people would come sit/chat. XD

what you should know is, if you met a spammer, click right mouse button on their chat in your chatbox, and choose block. there would be 2 or even 3 gold seller spammer, but, after you block them it´s all good.
alternatively you can use add on that automatically block them.

It’s best to just try the game and enjoy it and not look into the forums because that will really discourage you with the painful truth of all the flaws and the worst publisher ever.

The game sure is fun if you play and enjoy the lovely art and nostalgia.
However the deeper you get into the game the more you will come to see the truth why you see so much people on the forums including me, have stopped playing and just wish to see improvements.

Try it, enjoy your time, don’t look on the rant topics, and decide for yourself if you can handle it.


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I’d say, if it’s an option for you, wait until obt phase ends. I have not played a ton of mmo’s so im not sure how much weight there is when i say this is probably one of the worst obt release among famous MMOs. (btw, i’ve spent most of my time with DN, RO and warframe with a little bit of aura kingdom and dcuo)

bots, RMTs, lag and un-optimization will always be there in most MMO release especially in obt but the bugs in ToS is of a different kind. Usually the only time i learn about any bugs/glitch in a game is when they’re going to be fixed. in ToS, almost every bug can be encountered all the time without much workaround (e.g. arrow crafting bug, movement validation error, etc.) and most haven’t been fixed up until now. if you’re not that meticulous in playing a very clunky game, you can probably get used to it eventually.

another thing is how imc handles gamebreaking exploits. as probably mentioned in the previous posts, there have been an epidemic of dupes, glitch/bug abuses that didnt even warrant a server maintenance. and they still havent been fixed as of now. (i’m not sure if the merge with the kToS patch will do anything)

however there are still reasons to try out this game:

  • awesome graphics and art (bgm is off and weird in most maps)
  • enjoyable classes (tho the whole swordsman tree is quite in a pitiful state)

tl;dr it’s your typical poorly-managed obt-MMO that is very cluncky