Tree of Savior Forum

Is there a point to my necro if I dont plan to AFK farm

Hello, I am new wiz and was originally planning to go Sorc 2/ Necro 3 because I thought it was cool to have an army to fight for me. However, most of the threads I read said that necro are used only for afk farming and are not useful for end game. Any truth to it? If it’s true, any suggestion to what I should change my build to before the reset event ends? I just want a fun and useful build.

Nope necro is barely afk farmer, unlike those macro users using necro for farm silver that havent been banned yet

im a sorc2 necro 3 and been farming in hg350 and can solo lanes in 300 dungeon and can do Challenge mode by just a (before 350)windia rod +6 and now a purpler 350 staff +11 trans 6

you can go necro if you want

@BEWBS90 Do you mind posting your build and stat? Necro is fun but I find that I am lagging behind in dmg when in dungeon with other people.

my build is like this

and full spr type, my spr is 526 now