Tree of Savior Forum

Is Telekinesis still bugged in ktos

Does anyone know if the skill still crashes people in the current build of kTOS?

Im gonna leave a comment here in case someone can answer your question :innocent:

I guess yes, I was watching a 2hours livestream of kTOS Team Battle League and one guy disapeared right after used Telekinesis. Also Magnetic Force is still buggin people 50% of time, sadly, I really hope that they fix these things cuz I am a Psychokino and half of the class skills is bugged.

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Can you please comment on this bug? Is it known and can it be fixed?

To bug or to be bugged, that is the question.

You can see here at 1h41m35s, the Psychokino used Telekinesis and got VGA error. Also if you watch the entire video you will notice that almost all matches there is people stuck with Magnetic Force several times. This video is pretty recent, 17th September.
The Koreans look so nice, they remove people that are stuck from the bug to keep attacking.