Tree of Savior Forum

Is Sorcerer playable in PvP?

I’m still looking for the Build for my first Character and i think that Sorcerer (and Necro) would be fun to play. But i like to play PvP and have worrys about the damage output of the Sorcerer class.
The only real damage Skills are “Evocation” (high cooldown) and “Desmodus” (i dont know if “Summon Familiar” rly does damage).
Without those the only damage that would come from the Sorcerer would be his summons and i dont know if the damage of those is enough to be compentive in PvP.

Edit: I have a question about the Skill “Summon Servant” what exactly is the benefit from skilling this skill more then 1 lvl?

Edit2: Can i use Chronomancer skills on summons? (Sorcerer and Necromancer)

I played Sorc only a long time ago, but from what I saw on recent videos and other players talking:

Summoning does great damage if you build INT, upgrade your boss card and use Temple Shooter.

Idk about Salamion damage, but still is something annoying to the enemies.

Desmodeus and Familiar are good for PvP, Desmodeus I think is not.

Servant gives 1 buff per level, but they are not something amazing. For PvP you would max Summoning, Familiar and Desmodeus, get all your command skills and dump the rest of your points on Salamion.

I dont think Chrono buffs work on summons, but can’t say for sure (i dont even know if there is any buff that works on them, Sorc and Necro summons are not like Bokor zombies).

I think quicken works on your summon (both devil and salamion). I have tried using level 5 on them and the difference on their performance is very little. Not sure on haste buffs.

Yes, there’s a couple Sorcerers that are in the top 50 KR rankings.

1 - a question: in a PvP build the Wizz need high CON, INT average and low SPR, therefore the damage of Summons + spells (while keeping distance) would be enough to kill efficiently other classes? The damage Summon with average INT would be relevant?

2- Wiz c1 and Cryo c3> Sorc c1 or c2 / Necro c1 or c2 would build an efficient pro PvP, thinking about survival, CCs and damage? It is worth focusing on Sorcerer c3 or Sorc c1 + c2 Necro to damage / pvp / lvling? I have this doubt as well.

3- Or should (pvp build) Wiz c3 Link c1 Sorc c3? (But the only CCs would have would sleep and it looks dangerous)

Do u guys think a full int sorcerer linker with warlock is good?

You wont have enough rank for S3, mostly all 1-2 star rank job…