Tree of Savior Forum

Is sorc c2 really worth it? Or is sorc c1 viable enough?

My current path is wiz-pyroc2-linker-sorc-alchc2; is this path good in the end game? Is sorc 1 enough since all i want to do is farm/grind/make money. Or is sorc 2 really needed? I really want to go alch c2.

;At this point in the game i’m already wiz-pyroc2-linker-sorc. Haven’t decided if i’d go sorc2 or just leave it as c1 and go for alch c2. Because i heard that alch c2 makes you alot of money from potion making and gem roasting.

Any opinions are welcome. Thanks!

Anyone got info? Any help would be nice.

If you’re already Sorc C1, you can decide for yourself whether C2 is needed or not. The only difference between C1 and C2 is the control skills and more damage on summons. Do you have difficulty positioning yourself properly so your summons can attack without running back to you? If so, then you’ll most likely want Sorc C2. If that’s not a significant problem for you, skip it and go for Alchemist C2.

alche makes no money from gem roasting, less than 10k per day and its only good for pot crafting, when you can farm the stuff (dilgele, uosis) yourself
since you have no thaum, that task will be a pain for you

if you want a pure “moneymachine” for farming and crafting start a new char without sorc and take thm instead

Or get the alch2, then play another character like a ranger or ele, and then just go farm digiele whenever and use team storage to transfer them

you are bound to waiting for respawns, even when you switch channels, thm just doubles the amount of everything you get

yea, so no matter if you reroll to a better farm class or not, you are still bound to stuck with waiting for spawn anyway.

you know that thm gets 2 dilgele instead of 1? for every monster a thm kills?

then just build something with thm in it also then that can kill effectively?

So wiz3-ele-thau-alc2?

monster which drop dilgele and uosis have no hp, everything can kill them effectively

thaum have Swell body which double the drops if it’s killed within that buff duration. (not sure if it also work on lucky monster)

it does ^^


thaum is not really needed. It has a cooldown of 25 sec for 1 target. That is wasting rank just to get 4 dilgele every 25 sec. Not worth it in my opinion.

Sorc C1 is good if you like the aoe while farming

what are you talking about?

You missed this part of your screenshot:

What i’m asking about is what do you mean by 1 target? It can target up to 5 monster and has charges so basically 10.

My take is that Sorc1 struggles in two areas: mobility and strategic placement. If the content you’re going for doesn’t constantly demand either of these, you can get by without c2.

What you get:
-most but not all bosses are simple enough to fight without needing Hold or Attack Ground.
-small to medium groups of enemies don’t require repositioning your summon often. Especially with swashbuckling, links, or other major control skills around.
-all summon servant buffs + quick buff attribute; no additional benefits from c2
-same basic farming capability as c2
-an extra rank to spend elsewhere

What you miss out on:
-very large groups of enemies. You normally move around a lot in this kind of scenario, whether it be pvp or pve. The summon’s leash really becomes a pain here when you have to reposition your character without pausing your summons dps output.
-dangerous ranged enemies. Nobody wants to worry about the summon leash and leading your summon when you have some blue archer freaks ready to spiral arrow you to death.
-strategic placement. Allows proper positioning when you fight intelligent enemies. This also makes your summon a more effective damage sponge as suddenly you can throw it in front of you instead of leading it around with a short leash.
-riding. Very fun to use yet underwhelming in pve. Not sure how useful riding is in pvp as a damage mitigator.
-minor gains from summoning level
-more bats (pvp)

In response to Riding -

It’s ‘good’, but… if you’re riding your summon you’re technically a sitting duck so the mitigation is negligable. Also -some- attacks go right through.

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