Tree of Savior Forum

Is Sapper the Sadhu of Archers?

run it with 2.5k pdef and mdef. You will have fun every where except solmiki.

you have one? how you doing? SS please

it doesn’t matter regardless what character you run on.

2.5k pdef and mdef every thing hits you 1 except solmiki. Yes 1.

ohh I was pertaining to its damage, not defenses issues since all class have those issues when it comes to post 280 contents

Damage is relevant to how much you throw at. Look at my party cannoner.

He’s a sapper 3.

It’s a party player. Remember it’s physical strike and meele also Pierce Meele.

It benefits off Rod / Dragoon/ hop debuff + lethargy. Look at the miko video.

Miko boosts Sapper itself. Gasp. Spike shooter 1 shot the ghost flying boss :slight_smile: . He is just using a Maga trans 60% + 85% attr spike shooter.

So are you willing to play along this kind of party setup?

It’s not a solo class definitely.
I would say other than the cooldown issue that can be solved by chrono.

By itself it’s meh. In terms of party play this class design is actually quite on the right route.

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Sapper trap can deal additional damage with storm calling attribute too

still lowbie (r7 lv10)
will come to that soon

with clap and sweeping, are mikos able to increase boom traps damage when I already casted it? Like from level10, it can go lvl 11 when its already out? I go try it with my miko friend then

@octane @merru
Oh yeah my bad then, I totally missed the

→ steam : [ DEC 26 ] :doughnut:


I know, it’s as bad as DoubleSlash’s +200 compared to Skyliner’s x2(or was it x3?).
But hey it’s a rank3-5 class I don’t really expect it to deal nuker levels of damage(actually I do, it’s bombs c’mon) at late game.

It’s no low rank class like Pyro that can have Agny or QS that will get MGC, or Pelt and Kriv that literally shouts specific classes that can bolster their damage in later ranks.
Then again we’re all on the IMC train waiting game for RNG levels of math and class balancing.

I do agree in this part

I’d happily sacrifice half of the current damage right now for faster setup speed or 2 more overheat of Claymore, I mean c’mon, why can’t we plant more bombs on the ground for strategic gameplay, why must multiple explosives only apply on stickiesCollarBomb. :anguished:

I really like collar bomb before but after post 280 content It doesn’t deal much damage, + the interaction it does with falconer aiming skill, I literally don’t use it anymore. needs fixing on the hitbox interaction

Yes it does. All deployment skills even claymore should pop it up to level 12/17. from 10.15 etc.

Clap doesn’t work with the traps. Broom trap will work with divine might + miko broom for “deployment skills”. Basically + 1 level.

MIko Kagura will boost all sapper damage, because it’s melee physical damage. it gives additional 60% damage as holy.
You can see the damage ticks on the video. it gives spike shooter that much damage. From a 500k burst to a 2.5m burst.

Collar bomb is soso. More towards for clearing mass mobs. i seen the bomb damage up to 160k ± on a bunch. More used with falcon combos.

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Basically you agree it’s useless?

To hit 400k mobs for 10k per 40 seconds strategically, pretty nice

Sigh i still don’t understand some people here still protect their lovely archers.
Even someone said [quote=“Fuwaro, post:29, topic:344271”]
it’s a rank3-5 class I don’t really expect it to deal nuker levels of damage(actually I do, it’s bombs c’mon) at late game.
and keep mention

Why not just face the truth archer is a trash
As a top sapper player, i can tell you Pyro 400% FooK me

I woudn’t label it as useless yet, it’s on the similar spot the swordies were in back in r7 era, Sapp3 is currently underwhelming as a DPS circle.
Heck Hunter is slightly above Sapper now in the single target DPS ladder simply because of the pet inventory update, that made RushDog turn into RushBehemoth.

Then again just like @unicorntheshiny said:

The archer class is the sadhu of TOS, so is sadhu of archers a special title to describe the most useless of the most useless ?


I’m lost. What happened here with the spikes? They most definitely cannot 1 shot it so what combo?

Claymore is one that really bothers me because it’s really good vs flying, but the setup is so bad.

Being able to place more claymores and faster while reducing damage would be awesome.

Is archer the sadhu of tos?

I didn’t realize Sappers were that good, I might give it a shot.


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