Tree of Savior Forum

Is Roxona plate set the best for DPS wizards even at 280?

I see a lot of level 280 wizards wearing full roxona plate and i was wondering if it is still the best plate set for the current endgame (besides lolopanther and other ultra rare equipment). Cause there are some normal equipment which gives more hp and def in general but dont have special boosts such as +6 CON, AoE attack ratio increase etc.

Is it worth it to farm at least the 3 roxona plate pieces (armor,legs and boots) ?

Best plate armor, excluding Virtov and Lolopanther:

Shirt: Roxona Plate
Pants: Riena Plate
Gloves: (Superior) Royal Guard
Boots: (Superior) Royal Guard


Hmm, can you please prove opinion.

Shirt: Roxona Plate v.s. Superior Royal Guard
96 pdef v.s. 138 pdef
roxona has 6 con (510hp)
8 ice resist (lolwhat?)
So generally 510hp v.s. 42 pdef
As for me 42 pdef > 510 hp.

Pants: Riena Plate v.s. Roxona Plate v.s. Superior Royal Guard
RIena: 56pdef 170hp
Roxona: 96pdef, 37 crit_resist, 8 ice resist.
SRG: 135 pdef

Do you really worth that 170HP THAT much? I’m not sure, how good is critresist, and how ofted does mobs really crits. If not much, than SRG pants looks really nice.

As for gloves and boots, that didnt really gives you any pdef you can chose anything (roxona is not bad from that point of view).

But, probably, the idea was to stack as much HP as you can on plate, so you can survive accidental hit in earth tower? In that case, you might be right. :slight_smile: But I’m not sure how many ppl already farming it…

HP is much more important for me.

Riena plate is a bit too much to wear at level 200+ i believe (only 170hp and the P.DEF cost is immense). But i still think Roxona plate is better than SRG just because 510Hp is much more important than 40 p.def for a wizard, let’s face it.

The fact is the difference overall is not that big so i think i’m gonna get only the roxona plate (just need the dullahan armor) and roxona gloth gloves (already have it) and wear normal plate for the rest. Better invest money in some skill damage attribute anyway such as frost cloud or save it to get an Animus/Max Petamion.

Superior Royal Guard +10 is the best armor in the whole game, stats on other armors are nothing compared to the actual defense (except stamina on boots, thats definately a requirement)

It may be, but putting some plate armor at +10 is far from being my priority as a DPS wizard, that’s why i think for +0 roxona plate armor is just fine with some Hp boost and decent defense. I will probably give priority to my weapon/gloves upgrades to boost damage, and of course my skill damage attributes, they give so much for what they cost at early levels (frost cloud lvl 30 is quite cheap tbh).

I mean that can be your preference, but with a high defense plate armor set and aspersion buffs you don’t even require CON at all

Are you joking with the Riena? lmao 170 hp is NOTHING at 280. +80 defense will save you 100 times more often than 170hp.

Are these SRG hard to craft though? i know they are normal but i dont have info on how i get the recipes/materials needed.

Virtov set is the best end game equips you can get and to go to the earth tower. Btw you get the recipes from dungeon level 240. It is pain in the ass to get the materials and craft it. But it is worth it.

No mention of virtov plate?

Currently finishing up the set, nothing else compares

At the moment i use Roxona/Virtox plate and roxona cloth gloves for the magic amp at 280

This is about wizards, if you missed it.
Defence only matters if you stack up a lot, and then you get near something like Rexipher and cry because he uses magic attacks.
Virtov is unrealistic because the recipes are untradable(thanks IMC), random and somewhat rare. You’re better off spending your time on getting 280 and doing Earth Tower for Lolopanther.

First i am a wizard, second Virtov recipes have a 5% drop chance that is all they are the easiest rare equipment recipes to drop in the entire game period, three runs back to back with virtov recipes, took 20 ish runs to get the set 15-16 hours grinding total to make all the pieces

Lolopanther is much more impractical to aim for then virtov

i hadn’t mention virtov before cause i didn’t know much about how to get it and it was untradable, but seems the best for sure. U saying u did the dg 20 times and got 3 different plate pieces? omfg lucky boy, did u reroll 3 times every cube?

Too expensive to reroll probably rerolled maybe 50% of them, and it was not that lucky, i got way more then three plate pieces have like almost all of the cloth set and two leather, they have a sers high drop

I see, just for ask then, did u ever spent money on roxona or just played around the normal plates and when u reach 240 + u went for virtov? I just got the roxona gloves cause it seems pretty good with +10 elemental damage but not sure i’m wasting money on roxona plates, right now only the shirt seems to be worth it.