Tree of Savior Forum

Is Quicken affects to Summons?!

I want to build a chronomancer - sorc/necro.
Does anyone know about Quicken and summons’s attack speed?!

Quicken doesn’t do anything for summons.

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sad, bye chrono 3 necro 3 full spr…

Not even the increase crit rate?

From Korea forum:

Other boosters:
Weapon maintenance by squire maintenance shop
thaumathurge arm buff attributes (+10% damage with swell left arm, and +50% def with swell right arm).

Important Buffs which affect summons:
Chronomancer quicken (Necro only?), and quicken attribute.
Chronomancer haste, and haste attribute.
Sage missile hole.
Enchanter enchant earth.
(cleric class) Priest revive.
(cleric class) kabbalist revenged sevenfold.
Summons may be healed by clerics.
Chronomancer Pass does not affect summon’s cooldowns.

Debuffs to boost your summon’s damage:
[Physical]+[Strike] damage based summons and wizard3 lethargy attribute to boost strike damage by x1.5.
[Missile] damage based summons and necromancer or featherfoot decay debuffs to boost missile damage by x2.
[Magic] damage based summons and enchanter2 lightning hands magic def decrease debuff, runecaster rune of destruction magic def decrease debuff, linker3 spirit shock magic def decrease debuff.

That should affect them, yes, sorry. The attack speed won’t do anything.