Tree of Savior Forum

Is pyro1>link3>thaum3>shadow1 Good enough?

I want to support my team, but i dont want to just stand there and do nothing after buffing, especially in CM and worldboss. I was wondering if this would be good build for party play and solo? What skill should i get from linker? Is physical link better than spiritual chain? Can i use tham at the same time? Can i use this for farming 340 HG? What stat should i allocate?

Thanks. This is my first wizard btw.

Chrono is a decent enough party class even after the expensive nerfs. Try to find a build that involves that if you’re committed to supporting the party.

They’re both good. With world bosses 1-2 shotting people now, Physical Link has a legit use. Spiritual Link is better too(esp with attribute)and you need it in order to use Lifeline. Note: Phy Link and Spirit Link cannot be used together by the same player. Another Linker can apply the other buff while you maintain the original.

If you have high matk, I guess. You’re missing out on major dps spells though

Hnngg… I never really liked chrono. Even before the nerf, all they seem to do is press one button, afk and sit pretty, but that’s just based on my observation.

Phy Link and Spirit Link cannot be used together by the same player. Another Linker can apply the other buff while you maintain the original.

Thanks for this. Do you think people would hate me if I chose one over the other. For example, if i maxed spiritual chain and didnt get physical link?

Question, if i get pyro, use flame ground on a world boss, then another guy from another party used meteor (with the attribute), is their meteor going to be boosted too? Even if they’re from a different party?

imo shadowmancer1 is a bad choice, switch shadow with runecaster and u will have perfect support wizard :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I cant decide which build i like more,

or this

You’d be a better support if you go wiz2 linker3 thaum3 runecaster.

Runecaster has Rune of Protection, which is pretty good against bosses that do knockbacks - this buff can be shared with spiritual chain. There’s also Rune of Destruction’s attribute that decreases enemy mdef by 15% (that’s -40% mdef with spiritual shock attribute), as well as Rune of Ice for your elementalist/cryo friends.

You’d have surespell for casting your runes and magic missile, earthquake, as well as spiritual shock to do some damage for farming.

Overall the build focuses on being a support for magic classes that can hold its own during normal pve scenarios such as farming and questing.

You don’t need to max either, but for the 30% magic dmg buff from SC’s attribute, I would max that. You can balance your skill points to equalize both skills. Phy Link doesn’t need a whole lot of points unless you frequently do world bossing. 5 points should be enough.

I guess it’s because I haven’t done any world bossing, but why do you need more than 2 points in Physical Link, isn’t 5 already the max amount of party members? Or does it also link pets and other things?
Guess I’ll remove some points from HK and Spirit Shock if I need more points in it.

It links to other players not just in your party. In any dedicated world boss killing, there will be multiple parties, and not every Wizard there has Phy Link.

Oh ok, that’s interesting, didn’t know it links to other parties as well.

What do you think of this for skill distribution then?

Not sure how good RoG is. Also not sure if I should skip Shrink Body or if I should make another wiz as a thauma farmer, since it looks like a really strong skill.

This build needs much more investment than wiz2>linker2>thaum3>sage2/shadow2 to be efficient at farming. However, it, indeed, is the best support role for mage tree atm.

I would recommend

Rog is nice, specially the move speed boost. Shrink doesn’t worth investment

I like it, and except for world bossing I wouldn’t need more than 2 points in Physical Link for sure.
What do you think of RoI? Too low uptime?

Yes, If you have cryele friends to party often, you can remove rune of Justice and giant to have max roi

Some have said it so I’ll just expound on it.
Wiz2 will do more than pyro1. With magic missile being moved to wiz2 (from 3), you get the combo of mm + jp at just wiz2 (instead of 3). Sure spell is now a party buff too so their’s that. MM is also improved way more because you have thau as MM and swell left hand has a hidden interaction of doubling MM damage. You could also take sleep: dream eater for more damage from MM (also works with energy bolt).

I haven’t tried dream eater + RC skills though.