Tree of Savior Forum

Is Psychokino's Teleportation Still Radom?

Heard it will teleport you to a random location. Is this still the case?

Yeah. Distance (0 to max distance depending on skill level) and direction are random.

I see. Thank you so much for answering!

I thought only the distance was random, not the direction.
I never maxed it, but I know I always went the direction I was facing.

Not random, also the distance is fixed.

If you don’t press arrow key while teleport then it will be random, but if you press arrow key during teleport animation then it will teleport to your desired location by fixed distance.

I’m psychokino c1 that has level 5 teleport, so I know this a lot. Teleport is very very very useful skill that can evade boss aoe attack, and save your life many times while surrounded by enemy, so be sure to maximize it or minimum get lvl 5 at teleport.


Ok so obviously i wasn’t using it properly when i tested it. Thx avventera for correcting, i’ll try this arrow key thing, that changes everything !

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You can influence the direction as others have said, it gives you an easier time navigating maps, it makes enemies lose their aggro on you (!), and lets you dodge boss AoEs. Extremely underrated. Plus, if you’re Kino3, you only need to max PP / Pole / Raise with Lv. 1 in Magnetic Force / Telekinesis. After Lv. 5 Swap, you’ve got like 11 points to spend in Teleport :smiley:

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Ok so i’ve tested it with every setup (controller/keyboard/mouse). I usually play with mouse so i understand why it wasn’t so clear at start… Read this to understand how to choose the Teleport direction with mouse.

It’s really easy to choose direction with both controller and keyboard setup. Because you’re basically moving with fixed direction.

For the Mouse setup, it’s different.
It will teleport you in the direction of your mouse position, only when you press a direction on keyboard when casting teleport. You can press any direction on keyboard and it will teleport in the direction of your mouse, wherever it is (ex : i press UP on keyboard and my mouse point on the left, i will tp left). But it will be random if you don’t press a direction.
So you can just bind any direction next to your teleport button and tap fast both (ex : bind “Move Up” on “A”, bind “Teleport” on “Z”, press quickly A then Z, and you will tp to your mouse). It’s stupid, but it works.

The distance still seems to change randomly (at tp lv1 at least). It’s either pure randomness or because of server lag which can mislead me on my real position when i cast the skill.


I actually figured this out too and I always do mouse mode. Since up down left right is w s a d respectively, i suggest put teleport at c+9 or c+10 which ever skill box you don’t use and change that box to ‘E’. Whenever you need to teleport, click W then E, (make sure you don’t let go of the W key before you click E) all the while having the mouse pointer where you want to teleport. And hold down the keyboard keys until the teleportation motion is all over all else you’ll stay in the same spot.