Tree of Savior Forum

Is Petamion impossible to get now?

Hey guys. So I’m a returning player and couldn’t find an answer for this around the internet. Since the rebuild it’s pretty hard to know what is old and what is new.

No one officially said it: is Petamion impossible to get nowadays?

I find it very absurd that Max Petamion (being still a required item for something very useful in the game) is now non-craftable.

Since dungeons only provide talt and monster cards now, is there any world boss that still drops the crafted accessory or it’s recipe?


i skip petamion and make terallion directly

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When IMC delete a dungeon, they usually add its drop to a remaining higher level dungeon. You can check all the drops from a dungeon NPC UI.

If you look carefully, the dungeon UI shows that all the drops of all the dungeons are talts and boss cards.

Apparently they added them back to something in last kr patch.

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Hmm, indeed. Last time I checked was before Pajauta patch.

only current way to get a peta to my knowledge is to kill the gimmick boss necroventer in the Residence of the Fallen Legwyn Family that’s in forest of prayers o: if i remember right you have to wait a hour or 2 (maybe more) till it spawns and get lucky with it’s cube

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OOOhh. So this is new for me.

If there is a way to get it then ok, I actually don’t have a problem with hard-to-get items.

tell me more about this gimmick boss…

Future update will include peta/mpeta rc in field drop.

IIRC these type of bosses require a player to be in the map for 4hrs before they spawn. However, since field bosses respawn timer got reduced to 2hr 10min, im nt sure if the world bosses’ spawn timing is still 4hrs.

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