Tree of Savior Forum

Is peltesta c3 required?

Peltasta C3 can keep Armor Break on bosses up with a rather good uptime of 30 seconds out of 40. Which is worth quite a bit in terms of group DPS increase.
That, and you get a 21-target Swashbuckling which is also a very, very nice bonus both in dungeons and grind sessions.

Sure, you could go for more DPS’y options like Cataphract, but unless you’re investing heavily into STR/DEX, your damage output will be completely subpar compared to specialized DPS classes - I mean, you don’t really expect to deal more than a tiny fraction of what a Cannoneer or Wiz3-Ele3 can do.

I mean, I don’t contest that Pelt C3 is good for what it does.

From a solo-standpoint though I think many players are inclined to go for red circles. I also don’t think at this point that many are expecting to do wizard/archer levels of damage. It’s just about being able to hold our own.

I know it’s weird to say but a lot of people play MMOs like a single player game.

Problem is, a dedicated tank (or healer, for that matter) build is not something you want to roll solo anyway.

You’d be trying to sit on two chairs at once if you wanted to be welcome in groups AND still be solo-viable. Wizards can do both solo and group with one build. Archers can, too. Dedicated healers and tanks? Not so much, unless you want to be a half-arsed healer/tank AND a half-arsed DPS.

This is pretty much why most MMOs today have dual spec systems - so that somebody would still play dedicated tanks and healers without making their leveling living hell when group is not readily available. Too bad ToS does not have it…

What do you mean but Armor Break only skill for pelt 3 I see with armor debuff is umbo thrust…

yeah. I meant that umbo thrust puts a 15 second debuff of Armor Break with almost 100% certainty, even on bosses.

Anyone could help me to build a Palesta 3 with Cosair ?? please (Tank PVE).

Hmm… A better question is… Why?
It seems many of Corsair’s skills use a dagger or other weapon as an off-hand, whereas almost every single one of Peltasa C3’s skills use a shield as an offhand… So unless you planned on constantly switching offhand weapons, or just taking C1 for hook, pull, and jolly rancher… I’m not sure what your plan is… What do you think?

Shinobi is a rank 7 tank class. Gather + Kunai will cement hate better than swashbuckling c3 will, it is very easy to have even a half ass DPS pull hate from swashbuckling.

Really pelt c3 is useless. By the time you hit earth tower you better know how to gather mobs properly. Swashbuckling is fine from c1 and the value is not there to warrant c2, nevermind c3. The reason you see plet3Squire3 in ET parties has absolutely nothing to do with how well they tank but everything to do with what Squire offers as a support. Unless you plan to go Squire3 pelt3 is a bad choice.

Heck even if going squire 3 pelt 3 is a bad choice.

Listen any tanking requires damage, Pelt3 and Rod3 gimp your damage HARD. gtfo with that strike buff nonsense.