Tree of Savior Forum

Is Paladin3 Worth it?

Ive been wondering about which cleric class should i be if monk3 wont work for me, and i thought about paladin, so my question is: is paladin3 worth it? and if its dont or do, which build is bet befitting it? stats recommendations would be very welcomed, thank you very much!

This one seems to fall into a melee DPS criteria if that’s what you like from the Monk:

You still have the option of going for a magic Paladin if you want, usually taking a circle of Krivis down the line or something else. Although IMO the build above greatly takes advantage of the few Physical attack skills that the Paladin have while playing around with resistance reductions and elements.

Paladins still have the issue of pretty much being replaceable as Barrier scrolls are available, but if you like the class in general and don’t really care about maximizing, it’s quite decent.

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The main problem with paladin is that their damage is only strong when certain conditions are met. If you’re trying to hit anything that isn’t plate or devil/mutant you’ll notice how lacking your damage is. Paladin also does great damage mid-game but it falls off really hard in late game.

In ktos though paladins might be viable due to the monk buff (bonus % strike damage) and the change in resist elements (now reduces property damage by skill level * 2.5% reducing 37.5% property damage at max lvl and 19% chance to nullify with max attribute, great for GvG).

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The Paladin buffs @kyle_ruiz6 mentioned will likely get to iToS at one point or another (it’s not 100% guaranteed, but there’s a good chance of it), so there is that to consider.

But yes, at this point in time, the class is lacking in many aspects… still viable/decent, but strongly lacking.

If you do go for a physical Pally, STR-based (or even SPR-based with Krivis1 for Zalciai) scales a lot better than DEX-based, though. Unless you want a build focused on survivability (evasion).

The reason is that DEX only really makes a huge difference for Smite, while STR affects Monk1/Diev1 far better: Monk1 is your main filler inbetween rotations, so it’s important for it to scale well, and Diev1’s Carve has 5 hits so it takes great advantage of STR. When your STR is high enough, you’ll also see that it starts to affect Smite considerably.

Feel free to read down below for more info, this thread probably has all the info you’ll ever need on Pally, and if it doesn’t you can ask questions.

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I really love this game’s community!

[quote=“kyoukiyo, post:5, topic:300048, full:true”]
I really love this game’s community!
[/quote]I had the same feeling when reading all of the Cleric guides :smile:

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You guys better not dwell too long on the general discussions section… It might corrupt yer souls.

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[quote=“mrshadowccg, post:7, topic:300048”]
You guys better not dwell too long on the general discussions section… It might corrupt yer souls.
[/quote]LOL, I figured :joy:

Correction: "I really love this game’s Cleric community!"
But hey, perks of the job, no?

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