Tree of Savior Forum

Is one rank of summoner useful?

I want to spec into summoner but I need to know do i need 2 ranks of it so I can control my pet or is it useful with one rank?

No its useless to you almost

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Thanks guys ill go another class instead then.

Boss summons can’t use boss skills? Is the AI really bad right now that they don’t do anything unless you go C2 to tell them what to attack/where to walk?

is worth, just need to know how to play it, check this guy, he is using sorcerer c1 and is pretty nice.

Also the skills in necro c1 pretty nice too, have see a lot of people saying that its useless…

Did they remove necro’s poison element from their skills? I dont see the poison element icon anymore

See now I’m torn. I’m going Cryo c3 and I kind of wanted to just wall in mobs and drop my summon in with them does anyone know if that would be effective?

sounds like it should be effective since its just gonna attack whatever is closest to it