Tree of Savior Forum

Is necro worthless

isn’t it the weakest wizard?

Weakest as in what category?

If you want to talk weakest why not look at alchemist. I doubt a alchemist by itself would be stronger then a necromancer.

I mean your “worthless” statement already seems to answer your own question.

I think it’s actually quite strong, but you need the right setup

I doubt it, necro is good if weren’t for the difficulty in maintaining the corpse counter needed for casting Necro skills. Gather corpse is practically hard to use because it needs to last hit kill the enemy in order to be able to get corpses from it. They said Disinter is useful but was moved to Necro C2, further making aspiring Necros frown upon this change.

This means that anyone with only Necro C1 would need to make preparations by using gather corpse at low level areas before going to where they intend to do their thing if they are looking to avoid buying Corpse Potions from the Necromancer master.

I think Wizard doesn’t have truly bad builds, but indeed Wizard is the most diverse class among other basic classes.
When some builds are isolated or less mentioned doesn’t mean they are not good, but they are just not expertise in anything while they are really good hybrid.

Necromancer is somewhat a Hybrid of Sorcerer and Warlock for me, they have the weaker version of summon Raise Dead/Shoggoth, but also a weaker version of Pole of Agony (Dirty Pole), Dark Theurge (Flesh Hoop) and Invocation (Flesh Cannon).

There’s no difficulty in maintaining the corpse counter, because you can buy corpse potions from the necromancy master.

Necromancer is considered weak because you can’t go into necro2 without gimping your character currently. The good PvE wizard builds right now are things like wiz3>ele3, link2>chrono3, whatever>summoner2. You can’t go for any of those builds and also go necro2 until they release rank 8.

Necro1 is fine, but only because of flesh cannon. Every other necro1 skill is bad (except for flesh hoop which is just mediocre).

As long as you have at least one archer in your party a necromancer is never worthless because he can easily apply decay on enemies which just doubles archer’s missile damage :wink:

I am currently cryo 3, psycho 1 and necro 1, aiming for necro 2
There is no problem in maintaining a healthy corpselevel at all with

Wtih my classcombo I rarely use sp potions at all (with zero investment in spirit), so buying those urns instead isn’t expensive for me. I don’t have Gather Corpse nor do I plan to get Disinter.

Flesh Hoop is sadly a bit weak because it’s damage ticks are far too slow, but Flesh Cannon is very nice. I don’t see the point in Dirty Pole, because my Shoggoth applies decay much easier. Can’t wait to get my skeletons for ‘normal’ monsters and my Corpse Tower for bosses :wink:


Every jobs have prop and con, if every one going to ele>warlock. what the points of having a various class ?.

Bones are fragile, but if they are tough. Necro would be over powered job.

Sample; TS 2000x2 + Shaggot 1300 + Salamion 1200 + bones 5000 is total 11500 per sec on 1 target or link.
Plus : Flesh cannon LV5 with good gears you can do 3700x16 hits on 1 target.