Tree of Savior Forum

Is Meteor bugged?

I noticed a few times already as soon as i have a bit bigger pack of monsters that meteor wont hit all of them wich is weird. and no they are not spread. they are defenitly in the area. still they dont recieve any dmg.

Meteors discribtion says nowhere “hits x Mobs in the area”.

anybody knows something about this?

It’s probably affected by AoE attack ratio

well what does AoE Attack Ratio mean? i was thinking the area. the higher the number the bigger the area you hit.

Meteor has a AoE Attack Ratio of 13. could it mean 13 enemies can be hit? dont think so because it defenitly was less than 13 enemies and still didnt hit all of them even thought they were in the middle of the blast

It’s something like…

AoE Attack Ratio (AoE AR) = number of units you can hit
AoE Defense Ratio (AoE DR) = number of units you count as…?

Targets with higher AoE Defense ratio will be given higher priority in being dealt damage to

So let’s say
Your Meteor has an AoE AR of 7
Elephant has an AoE DR of 3
Cat has an AoE DR of 1

you aoe a mob of 2 Elephants and 6 cats. You’re only going to hit the 2 elephants plus one cat.

Sorry for ELY5ing. I tutor kids.


Good analogy, except Meteor has AoE AR of 9, you can increase them with equipment like Staff AoE AR +1 or Vubbe Gaunlet Fighter +2.

Oh ya, and by default Wizard have 3

Ah thanks for that nice explanation! Hmmmm too bad. I thought i could use my meteor to destroy unlimited amount of monsters xD

Hmmm the wiki says aoe attacks will first target the highest aoe def. I’d say that makes it kinda a bad thing? The higher your aoe def the higher your chance of getting hit if you are in a crowd o.o