Tree of Savior Forum

Is May 10th Enough?

First off, I would like to advise that this is an expression of concern and not simply complaining.

The current state of the game appears to be beyond rough. Many of the same bugs/errors remain from even the closed betas. Each maintenance requires subsequent maintenance to correct new bugs created by the patching process. Most trouble tickets go unanswered or with exceptional delay. Bots… now there has been a valiant effort to extinguish bots, but it is still a standing problem that will become far worse with F2P.

These are just a few concerns. My hope isn’t hate IMC will take their time and delay the release until they have the game “mostly” under control.

Not like they are loosing money on F2P… game is worth far more than 15.00 to me, even in it’s broken state.


I refer to my post here Founders Server

I share similar concerns with free to play.

They should just include the $10 EA again and make this game a B2P. We all know the bots won’t stop and there will be another swarm of bots when this game goes F2P. If this game will be a B2P. They will still earn $10 per bot banned. Sooner or later they will get tired of fighting the bots if the bots can access the game for free.

Could the IMC publisher handle it? i don’t think so…

Could the servers handle it? definately.

Anyway were all on the founders servers, we most likely won’t even see new players when F2P launches because they will probably make newer servers

Half of the population right now are bots and being B2P so far didn’t stop them at all. What’s the point on extending the date if only disaster lies ahead? At least they can cash grab with the wave of incoming F2P players who aren’t aware of the wasteland they’re throwing money at.

that’s true, but some player’s prefer an already flowing economy

You understand that following your logic, they should cancel EA and turn it into CBT, right ?

Assuming no wipe, I’d have zero issue if they identified the early access as a closed beta.

no it’s not, it should be delayed forever or b2p.

Me neither :wink:
But I doubt that they’d ever be capable of fixing the game before having it losing its momentum…
Hence why I think that the sooner the f2p release, the better \o/

they wanted to start a 3 month early access then go f2p

the community cried like babies so this is what we all got now

I supported them quite adamantly when they identified the original plan to have a 3 month early access.

yes then stop blame imc for their original plans, flame the community

even if it was 3 months the game woud be even more broken tat it is now, if they went 3 mnth ea, the game would get no money and imc wouldnt be able to fix anything. everyone would buy ony 1 pack bcuz its 50$. and only about 100 ppl will. in thse 3 months they woud get no money and when f2p came they would still have little money bcuz of the ppl they lost, and the game would fail. the game is doing better now than it would if it was the 3 month ea. you would make a terrible publisher.

100 people? Your concept of the games support and popularity is almost as impressive as your command of the English language.

To be honest,This game should close for developing more and late the open beta to next year. According to Ktos and itos test beta phases, there are a lot of bugs and balance problems to fix. Anyway it’s too late.

well there was a poll that showed how many ppl wanted the 50$ pack. sooo?

Only reason paying players votes for one month was because the tp items were stacked, a stat reset potion. Plus, the polls still had well over 100 votes and not everyone voted.

So this is your first game yeah? You seem oblivious to the fact that bots always spam the game when it first comes out, it is an endurance test. Also they were abusing a payment fraud system that has been fixed since then, so bots were free to play and that is why there are so many. Remember weeks 1 and 2? That is what will happen if they make the game free to play.

That seems rash, early access is always bumpy, but most of the people who talk about closing and wiping are people who can’t afford 10 bucks or started late or ■■■■■■ up their first character so it is just a dash of wishful thinking lol. The game is an incredible success, and they have done wonders with it using the input from the community. I think everything is fine, they may need the full 3 months but I would prefer a buy to play server with a free to play server seperated. This would allow them to manage bots for real players that paid a measly 10 bucks, while allowing people to try the game for free, and yknow live on the server that is overpopulated with bots because that will invariably happen, happened in RO, happened in silk road, pw, redcliff, rose, maplestory, if it is a farming game, it will have a ton of bots, the only effective means in my 15 years of gaming to combat bots is steady management of them and making them pay for accounts. It does not get rid of all bots, but it does keep a majority of them out, especially the really obnoxious town spammers.