Tree of Savior Forum

Is Malaysia excluded for participating in iCBT2?

I’ve been trying to find local publisher list but it seems a bit outdated. I dont want to torture myself for another month while my chat groups having fun in iCBT and me just watch them chatting over it. I’m yet (or didn’t) to get a Beta Key so I want to ask if Malaysia got local publisher (Please say no…).

What do you mean “yet (or didn’t)”?
Did you sign up for it or not?

Yes I registered on 18th Oct.

only regions with local publisher so far -> China Japan Korea Indonesia afaik

keys r still being sent out untill tmr… so just wait 1more day and u’ll know for sure

Allright, good to know. Thanks.

@rennakirisame Just keep an eye out on your email or visit the main site often and have yourself logged in
There is a button beside the logout button that says “Check beta key status”. You can use that to confirm whether or not you have been given an iCBT2 key already.

tahniah (congrats)!

I’m yet to get an email and the site still says “nope, no key”.I’ll check my email and the site once per hour.

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i’m from malaysia and i received the key from [check your beta key] button tht was put up earlier today.

yep got the key too, malaysian here

anyone from our country played in iCBT1 before? Just wondering how high is the ping?

the ping is around 200ms- 300ms for the cbt1

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thanks :cookie: but did you feel laggy playing it or still ok?

its ok its playable not sure about PvP though :smile:

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im gonna try Wtfast for this CBT maybe that will lower the ping a bit

me2 i already set it up with wtfast

try check your latency here

bro, xsey wat malu gak, kito ore malaysia buleh jah kalu nok participate with the cbt2, be patient bro. they will handout the keys from yesterday til tomorrow…if you still didnt receive it by 1pm tomorrow, try your luck with the fansites. btw i already got my key and im from malaysia in case you are still wondering.

and 300ms :joy:

sek pata timor ke? hehehehee :v:

jgn rsau deh klu esok xdok dpt key pm aku, ad lebih key nih :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: