Tree of Savior Forum

Is linker 1 still a viable filler class?

pretty much the above question would like to know if linker 1 is still viable as a filler class trying to build a elemntalist featherfoot and dont know if i should make linker 1 or wiz 3

If you’re going to be featherfoot, I think linker is still a must.
Featherfoot offers alot of burst damage with low cooldown but can only deal single target damage. Linker can help remedy that con.

If you’re using the links right. Wiz2>link>elem3>ff2 is a solid build. You’ll less likely to find cool down problems while still dealing high burst damage and have higher survivability than other ele3 variants.

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thank you thats what i wanted to hear ;D

okay as filler

but i prefer wiz3 for ele