Tree of Savior Forum

Is KTOS or JTOS doing well?

The biggest problem of IMC is their Technical Lead and Developers, or Quality Assurance if any,

The technical lead that design broken mechanics and lack of in-depth and sustain thought.
example: agny necklace cheap way to bring up pyro, stats point are pretty useless, broken Transcendant stage 10 with +550% weapon damage and scale with gems + bless shards tradable in market, and OP Inquisitors.
They always come out good concept and cheated players to play, but the implementation is so bad.

At the same time, those intern of junior developers that coded with so many bugs and loopholes, after 1 year they still never learn. I thought developer command UI should be taken out, last time /destroyguild still not clean up and crash channel still exist. Many skill bugs not fixed after few months like Warlock’s Drain

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just to remember…it´s ONE of many exploits out there…this game is a mess!

how can jtos do well if the same kind of exploits can happen there that happens here? maybe they are still riding the hype train or maybe they are still caught up in the novelty of the game.

coz in japs, u need to link game id to your social security id

u risk getting permabanned entire life.

itos is free to bot, free of worries, and free huehuehue

damn I don’t see how itos can get out of the hole they dug. it would have been different if people had to buy the game, then if they get perma banned they lose money at least.

i rather cash pooling 10k usd so imc can hire handplay GM to patrol ingame 24/7

just me though

That’s South Korea. 

I would rather my char have a face but we don’t always get what we want. well if japan does not have this social security thing then I want to know why they have so many players.

i will now commit suicide by sudoku

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That’s the only way to regain honour.

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