Tree of Savior Forum

Is Job Reset Real?

There goes my max movement speed chronomancer build XD

the thing is that IT WILL be implemented at some point, what most of us worry about is HOW they will implement it, because if it’s badly implemented, it would hurt the game pretty badly.

I’d say it’s even good to have reset down to rank 5 if they add rank 8…

Otherwise, it’s actually refreshing to feel some responsibility about your build.

I think with the game so wide they need too. No everyone have the time to reroll

Are you kidding me?
It took people about 2 weeks to hit max level and even the super casual people are slowly arriving at max level now after only 4 weeks.
This is so little time so rerolling a character is no big deal whatsoever. Most people will realize that their build doesn’t work out at around 100 and you can reach that level very very quickly with a new character. I’m saying this as someone who only has 3 hours of free time every day. If you want to reroll because your build isn’t “optimal” then you have no excuse except for “I’m a lazy piece of ■■■■”

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I wonder, does being an adult in the universe you live in also entail being able to foresee the future? Because lvl 280 is only the beginning and future additions to the game may, and will, ruin people’s builds. What will be your reaction upon learning that a new R10 class suddenly makes your current build unappealing and you’re asked to spend a thousand hours to correct it?

I respect them and appreciate the hard work they put into the game. But why are you asking me to stop pointing out their mistakes and bad decisions? Out of respect? Yea, right. I prefer to try and help them improve the game by sharing my opinion about it, good and bad. Out of respect.

If we followed your advice and put up with every bad decision, be it out of respect or for any other reason, we would still be losing potential on items transferred through team storage. We didn’t. We pointed out that it was bad design. They saw the error of their ways, changed it, and the game is all the better for it. That’s how progress happens. It doesn’t happen by sitting around and being silent about things that are wrong.

Never played any FB game, so I can’t really go back to that. But thanks for the suggestion all the same.

If you worked hard to perfect your build, you should be even more concerned that a future patch may take the perfection out of it and leave you with something that you will not be able to enjoy playing because it’s not perfect anymore. Also, it will not be another 200 hours when you’re rerolling a lvl 600 character. It will be significantly more than that. So when that happens, you’re asked to throw away a character that you cared about and told that you can spend another thousand hours to reroll it, please do come back to this post of yours and reflect on your remarkable lack of foresight.

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If its released

bandwagon 101
discrimination 102

Are you effing kidding me…

Dude, because that is a legit bad design flaw, it’s already in the game but they didn’t thought through it properly.
This isn’t, this is what you guys want, not something you need.

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Nope, I’m dead serious.

I feel the same way about having no circle reset option whatsoever. I’ll just leave this here:

Can you spot the contradiction?

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I already mentioned, team storage transferred was already in game. It’s a bad design flaw. Even if they don’t change it, we can still accept it and lose the potentials.

This class reroll crap isn’t. They are not even close in terms of functionality.
How about asking for a exp card to be sold for 1million silver and gives 10 levels/ranks when used?
Being too busy/no time is a sound reason according to you guys.

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I liked the potential loss. That way I don’t need 1 arde for my team but 7…8…9…10. Always good to have items drop out of the system eventually.

Team storage only needed to not take 1:1 tradecounts and allow for silver transfer. Stuff like talt/recipes etc should transfer without potential loss, but isn’t that bad either way.

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Having no circle reset option is also in the game. It’s a bad design flaw.

Yes, we can accept that we lose potential when transferring items, but why should we? We can accept that we lose hundreds of hours of progress with a character when a major patch comes out and does awful things to our class synergy, but why should we?

You’re not helping your argument by ridiculous examples like that one. Can you show me one person that is genuinely asking for what you suggest? People are asking for an option to correct their build, if ever there is a need for it, after having spent hundreds of hours on it. Surely you can see how that is different from wanting a top level character without leveling it up?

Pfftt… so you do realise how ridiculous such requests are!?
Welp. Thats how this class reset crap sounds like as well. Nuff said.

PS. I was already expecting you to call my example

Fair enough. We’ll just agree to disagree on that.

But I am curious, are you absolutely certain that your opinion on the matter won’t change once you have a lvl 600 character, a new class comes out and makes you rethink your build? Will you happily abandon your existing character and start leveling from lvl 1? I find that hard to believe.

Good for you!

Frankly, the idea itself is a novelty at best. The capability to reset your circles is simply asking IMC to fix your mistake/choices when it comes to the circles you picked.

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600? Provided I am not bored of that class by then I won’t even be playing till that level. I already deleted my 100+ paladin,highlander and sadhu due to the 4 character limit and I enjoy trying out different builds. That’s how the game is as I already mentioned.

Diablo2 works the exact same way as well and people still love it. One wrong mistake on adding skills/stats, reroll. Simple.


Yes I planned for the future already. I already know my next classes.

Sweet. Would you be so kind and share with us which R8, R9 and R10 classes you’re going to pick, which of their skills you’re going to invest points into and how they’re going to synergize with your existing build? That would be much appreciated.

Diablo 2, exactly. That is by far my favorite game of all time. So when I messed up my level 90 necromancer with enigma on hardcore I would re roll a new character to perfect it. The mistakes we make are ours to fix. The deficiency of Intel is our fault as well. Should we strive for perfection, we must earn it.

Necro 3 r8, skeleton archer/mages. Shadowmancer c1 r9, pure evil. Shadowmancer c2 r10, darkness within.

Any more questions noob?